Chapter 1

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Two shady shadows stirred in a dusky room. Sounds of heavy rain hit against a foggy glass window that's shut tight, well hidden behind drab curtains. Muffled curses rang throughout the narrow area.

A tall shade dropped a smaller one onto a couch with a creak. Staring forward, not for a second is eye contact made between the two. The smaller man could not struggle, as he was bound with a rope, hands behind his back. All he could do was throw curses and threats to the other.

"Fuck. Fuck!" Words echoed through the dim lit room. "I swear, when I'm free from all this bullshit, I'll make sure to throw you down the stairs, so you break each and every bone in your worthless fucking body!" These threats meant nothing to the other male, and they both knew it well.

"I'll make sure that happens! Fuck you!" The restrained male hissed through clenched teeth, sending death glares to his assaulter. But no answer followed, not even a slight nod. "Motherfucker."

The taller male slumped into a chair located across the room, which was just as worn out as the couch. The man sighed deeply and reached into his jeans pockets to pull out his phone. Unlocking it, he swiftly typed in a number and dialed it, pressing the phone to his pierced ear.

After a while, a deep voice was heard emerging from the phone. "Andy." It almost growled, but with excitement. "I assume you're done?" The man nodded to himself and answered back simply. "Yeah." The voice was more than pleased to receive these news. "Excellent work. But how do I know it's the real deal?"

Upon hearing this, Andy stood up, and walked over to the struggling man on the couch. The victim froze up, fearing what might follow. With a swift movement, the attacker pulled off the man's shades, revealing blood red orbs staring back at him. Slight fear lingered deep inside them. "He has the eyes." Andy said to the phone, and tossed the shades back, not caring where they land.

"Perfect. It wasn't that hard was it? You've done well my child." The voice rambled on, and Andy stood tall, gazing at the floor silently. He only wished for this all to stop.

Is it finally over?

He inhaled slowly, and interrupted the rambling voice. "Where's the money?" Andy was dead serious, but it din't seem that the other party was. He was met with a dirty laugh which caused his face to cringe. Two simple words broke the man's calm composure.

"What money?" These words rang through the phone, followed by a vicious laughter.

"What? You gotta be shitting me!" Andy clenched his fists tightly, and red eyes followed each and every movement they made. "You dicks promised me money if I smuggle this damn kid to you!" After the outburst, he tried to calm himself. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath in.

Slowly, the obnoxious laughing ceased. "What made you think that I had the money to begin with, boy?" The voice smirked. "Didn't you ever stop to think if I was just using you?" It mocked Andy. "And that you were blindly following my absolute orders?"

"Absolute my ass!" Andy snapped. "You think you're so clover, huh?" He pointed his finger forward at nothing in particular. "Don't you realize I still have the hostage?"

But the voice just giggled madly. "What makes you think that you have the hostage?" This statement threw Andy off his tracks. "What if I have this room you're supposed to stay in under a lock down? Ever thought about that?"

"Fuck!" Andy hissed quietly. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He hung up and threw his phone back in the pocket of his jeans. He paced around the room, cursing and searching for any cameras. Red eyes followed him nervously. "Shit!" Andy ran a sweaty hand through his golden locks, and ran to see if the door was locked.

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