Chapter One

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Someone was calling my name from across the room. It was Erika. Her heels were skidding across the floor.

She hadn't worn heels in awhile and wobbled all over the place. "How're you liking the party?!" I could tell she was overjoyed to have me over at her first big party.

Her parents were out of town and she took this chance as an opportunity to get noticed by people.

Or should I say David. "I love it. You're doing a good job Erika." A forced smile spread across my face as I wasn't really enjoying the party at all. "Great! I can't wait for David to come, I've been waiting for him all night."

I could hear the caution in her voice as she hesitated on which words to speak. She always knew I never really liked David.

He was a jerk and she deserved much better. "Did someone say David 'round here?" A loud voice called over at us. My fists clenching at the sound.

I then realized where I've heard that aggitating voice from before. "David!" It was David. "You made it! I'm so happy you're finally here!"

Erika flew right into his arms. Her wavy light brown hair swaying side to side as he spun her around. The curls of her hair bounced up and danced around when she was put down.

She couldn't be any happier than in his arms. "How's my lucky girl doin' tonight?" His over confident attitude disgusted me. "Amazing! I was just talking to Rose about the party before you came, what do you think?" David scanned the room with his eyes as if nothing were to his interest.

"It's..Ermm...." While he was fishing for an answer, I could tell Erika was growing anxious for his approval of her party.

So I cut him off. "Great. You're doing great Erika, the party's awesome." Again, a fake smile quickly rose and fell from my face. "You think so? Thanks Rose, it means a lot." She hugged me tight.

Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad after all, I mean as long as my friend is happy, I'm happy. But that feeling didn't last for long.

"Erika! Come here I have someone I want you to meet." She quickly released from our hug, I then looked over at David to see the person he wanted her to meet.

What's so important about this friend of his anyways? "Erika, I'd like you to meet one of my closest friends, he's just flown infrom Australia." A tall figure moved from behind David. I immediately froze in shock.

This boy was perfect. "Hi, its nice to meet you." His tall, frame towering over Erika. His high cheek bones moving upward as he smiled so sweetly. He had a pretty thick accent, but it wasn't too anything you couldn't work around.

His bright blue eyes were absolutely outstanding. "My name's Adam." He shook Erika's hand. What was this? How could anyone perfect be "friends" with a dick like David?

Whatever the reason be, it didn't matter right now. Because this perfect human being had a name, and that name was Adam. "Hello, it's nice to meet you too, I'm Erika." How could she be so calm? If I were her, I'd be anything but.

He was breath taking. And there was just something about him I couldn't get enough of.

His eyes turned to me. God, were they beautiful. "And you are??" His smile turning into a big grin. He could tell I was nervous. "I-Uh, My name's Rosemary! But I go by can call me Rose if you'd like?" My palms were so sweaty, his charm intimidating me. "Well then, it's nice to meet you Rosemary. Uh, Rose."

He laughed. And just when I thought he couldn't get any more perfect, he did. My mind was intriged. I was curious about him.

He locked hold of my face with his eyes. "What? Do I have something on my face?" Nervously wiping around my face, I could hear him let out a laugh. "It's nothing,..your eyes are just...really pretty."

Did he really just say that? "Pretty"? Confused by his unexpected statement I could really care less of what he just said. Because anything he said right now was just captivating.

"Umm Thanks. I like yours too." I nervously smiled. My face was hot. I could feel a boiling sensation under my flushed pink cheeks.

But why do I feel like this? I never get this way around guys, let alone a friend of David's. "Hey Adam you almost done there?!" David was growing impatient of my time being spent with Adam.

"Yeah! Just give me a minute." He motioned his hand to go away. "We should talk sometime." His smile even wider than before. Still caught in his perfection, I hadn't paid attention to what he was doing. "W-What are you doing?"

His arms wrapped around me giving me a massive hug. "I just want a little hug." The tone in his voice was playful. He laughed as I hesitated to hug him back. His arms pulling me in.

"I'll hear from you soon?" He let go of me. His hands were gripped around my arms. "Uh, yeah." His grip loosened. "Good." And with that, he smiled and left leaving me dazed wanting more.

But how was he supposed to hear from me if I had nothing to contact him with? Searching through the crowd I couldn't find him. He just left. The guy who I was so captivated by just left.

So with no luck in finding him, I started to look for Erika. "Erika!" My voice was being drowned out by the loud thumping music and voices of shouting people. "Erika!" It was no use, I couldn't find her.

The party was giving me a headache, and I wasn't too excited to be here in the first place. So I decided to head home.

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