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"Come on Etel please please please pleeeeeaaase, take me with you in your next jouney pleeeeease"
"oh my dungeons, fine, just... fine. I'll take you with me, but with one condition"
"Yes yes anything yes"
"you gotta get Akkarui to come with to keep an eye on you. Take it or leave it, Hae"
"... that's a hard one but i think icandoitokayimmaaskhimokaybye"
"... and there he goes" Etel said, as he take out a little book out of his bag and start reading

That was the conversation between Etel, the space/time wanderer and Hae, void manipulator that started everything.

fast forward 20 minutes after the talk
Hae is now in a small Café with 3 more people, that of which being Akkarui, Hyasynth and Op
"You're telling me, that you want me to go with you and Etel on this weird trip of his?" Akkarui ask with his cup of strawberry milkshake in his hand
"that is exactly what i asked you"
"i don't think.." Akkarui then get cut off by Hyasynth
"that sound like a really fun idea" she said with a little star in her eye
"Can i finish here, Hyasynth?" "oh... i'm sorry" "Right, i don't think this is a good deal, i know Etel a bit too well, he's not gonna give conditions unless you want to put yourself in danger of his power"
"DIdn't he said that, and i quote: 'you gotta get Akkarui to keep an eye on you', doesn't that mean he just can't look after Hae when he's in this different world?" ask Op
"Yeah, Ak, that must be what he meant." added in by Hyasynth
Akkarui sighed, knowing full well he's going against all 3 people that he cannot win against if they team  up in any arguement.
"Okay okay fine, you win. i'll go with you, Hae, but i'll keep a really close eye on you, kid" He then point to the eye that is not under the thick layer of bandages and covered by his hair. "And i assume that you 2 want to go too, consider the fact that you join his side to gang up on me?"
Hyasynth let out a small grin and Op said with a smile "you also know us a little too well, eh?"
"ugh... why am i always stuck in situations like this? Fine let's go find Etel" Akkarui said, and dashed out of the store, leaving OP and Hyasynth the bill for their drinks

(little smth i drew of Akkarui just so you know how he look like)

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(little smth i drew of Akkarui just so you know how he look like)

At the small dark Alley, Etel is preparing his spell to open the portal to another world, then he heard some footsteps. With a small grin, he turn around "welcome back, Hae. and hello Akkarui, we haven't seen for a little while"
"yeah yeah cut the chit chat, why do you always putting trouble onto my head, man?" Akkarui sighed 
"you know how my spell work, travelling worlds put a lot of burden on my body, but bringing 2 more would add too much into that, so i guess i can take both you and the kid on a little trip."
"okay fine, i take that reason of yours, but don't throw those on me again"
"hmmm... i can't really promise that, Hae don't touch the circle" Etel said as Hae about to step onto one of the bigger rings of the circle Etel made on the floor
"by the way, how did you managed to get Akkarui into this, i'm actually surpirsed"
"oh i got some help from Hyasynth and Op, speaking of which here they are" he pointed out to the main road
"Wait... don't tell me they're coming too."
"Why? what so bad about us joining?" Hyasynth ask calmly (i know it's a joke leave me alone)
"uh... something... no forget about it i can handle this. SO" he clap his hand "thank you for helping Hae getting Akk into this. Now" he clap again "shall we go?" then he walk to the circle, draw the last symbol into it and start reading the spell
"is this what he does everytime?" Op whisper to Akkarui
"pretty much, yeah"
The symbols on the circle started flying up, forming a big square on the wall, and then disappear, leaving a 2 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide door on the floor. Etel then stand up from the circle

"that took a lot longer than i thought, but no matter. Now, for the first few hours in the world we're about to enter, i need you to listen and follow everything that i say, is that clear?"
"sure, okay, alright" - everyone
"Alright then, let's head in"
Hyasynth start going in first, and then Op, Etel. and when it's Hae's turn, he stepped on the outter ring of the circle, resulting in a small crack on the portal, but it's so small you can barely notice, Akkarui go in last.

A/N i forgot this website exist and i decided to ditch the other project i had wrote here since i lost every single memory i had about it. i apologize if you want to read it (i assume most people don't) but it's not gonna come back to life. Until next time then

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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