Then and Now.

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These are short poems and excerpts from longer ones that I wrote a year ago. They pain a picture of a love that started at the fresh age of fourteen, and lived for seven years (it still lives). From moving towns and moving in together, from breakup up and being unable to leave, these cover a wide range of emotions that I felt, and still feel today. It still burns. But writing helps. 

Please read until the end.


If i had known

That sitting next to you in art class

Would lead me here

I would do it again anyway.

Small decisions never are.

Of all my minutes and time spent,

Never had i a coin quite as silver

As the one you swallowed

The moment our eyes met.

The first cent in a long term investment

You made me paper cranes

Hiding love notes in their wings

Gave me written gifts of gold

Oh god, of all the things

I am a poet and you wrote to me

And suddenly

You were there

And the world gained color,

The sky became blue

And endless

Granted me sight

My legs

So weak

No longer had to hold me alone

I could lean on you

Stealing secret time

Our parents couldn't know

So we lied

And hid

And held hands in the hallways

I would've said anything to be with you

I had laughed before

But baby,

Humor had never glistened

The way it did

Shining in your light

You're very, very funny

And I do not know when it began

For by the time i noticed the seed

Dewey leaves had already grown,

A sapling sprout

Fresh and green,

with sap of gold.

Suddenly stood before me.

I loved you before I realized it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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