They meet Again Ch0

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"The God of Death is Coming" an article made by a famous fortune teller

Having proved many of her predictions to be true a lot also believed its true

a time later a large portal appeared but nobody or nothing came out of it. . .

We Start with the meeting of Sung Jinwoo and Cha Hae-in

Note: This is a Fan Novel and it might not fit the original story

Sung Jinwoo: Hello

Cha Hae-in: Hi , Do i know You?

Sung Jinwoo: Ah no, Im Sung Jinwoo Nice to meet you

Cha Hae-in : Nice to meet you too ,Im Cha Hae-in

Once More They meet Again.

Sorry if this is short i have no idea on this storyline so im hoping to improve with you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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