💕Tanjirou Kamado x Reader💕

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Word count: 1499

Trigger Warning: blood, description of injury


You were woken up by the sun shining through the windows. It was still snowing. Just like it had been the last few days. Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful.

The snow was again speckled with red.
You greeted your mother as you entered the dining area. She embraced you with gratitude and relief. You both sat down next to the furnace to keep yourselves warm.

Many men of the village had disappeared. Some were found eventually, though many were mutilated beyond recognition. You had had the privilege of granting your father a proper burial.
The women of the village had cried and pleaded for a demon slayer to be send but never received any answers even after letter after letter.

As you entered the feared outside world, you were grateful for the winter coat and shoes your mother had made. They kept you warm on your daily walk while collecting more firewood and whenever you visited the local market. Or rather when you used too. All residents were ordered to stay at home. Leaving was only permitted to get necessities. So every second of your walk was cherished.

The cool air seemed thin and every breath stung. The snow-covered landscape however, awoke feelings of peace and tranquility. Quietly, you watched the tiny snow flakes float to the ground, becoming one with the thick white layer of snow.

After collecting a few thick branches, you used a string to tie them into a secure bundle. With the firewood tucked under your right arm, you began your way home.

A sudden loud snap made you tense up. Soon a sharp pain followed. Once you opened your eyes you felt a painfully strong pressure on your leg.
You must've stepped into some sort of trap: A construction made from metal and sharpened shards of glass, that would glide into your flesh like a set of sharp teeth. It had been perfectly hidden under the fresh snow. It would take hours to remove them piece by piece. You latched onto the metal part and tried your best to pry it open but to no avail. Soon you spotted a long rope, strung tightly around the metal aswell as the stem of a tree. You figured the mechanism could only be deactivated by cutting the string attached to the metal clasp.

You weren't aware of hunters that would use such cruel traps. Especially, because most preferred the traditional way of hunting, causing the animal the least pain and killing it quickly. Whatever you'd gotten yourself into wasn't just a trap, it was a torture device. A torture device not made by man but for man.

The snow was now dyed a dark red color. You wondered how long it would take until you'd just bleed out. God, it was cold. The tips of your fingers had turned a light purple. Your faint cries wouldn't reach anyone. You were in the middle of the woods after all. Woods, that used to be a sacred place. Now they were tainted with the blood of innocents and ruled by ruthless demonic creatures. You felt you'd be losing consciousness soon. Desperately, you tried to use one of the branches to pry open the trap but they'd break one after another. After a while you felt to weak to even try to escape. After a last deep breath you closed your eyes, folded your hands to pray and wished for the best.

You weren't sure but was it footsteps you were hearing? Everything was so foggy. You opened your eyes-

It was a young man with burgundy hair and hanafuda-earrings. He cut the rope and finally the pressure stopped. But now the blood was pulsating quicker and you felt your life being drained from you.
The boy rushed to your side, a piece of fabric in hand. The bleeding could be stopped but the glass shards seemed to just cut deeper and deeper into your skin.
"I'm so sorry." He cried out.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you."
He swiftly picked you up.
"We need to get away from here, quick."
You nodded weakly.
You were too tired to keep your eyes open. You rested your head against his shoulder. He felt warm. It felt good to finally feel warmth again.

You recognized the soft voice of your mother. You wished you could respond.
I'm here. You'd say. I'm right here.
You wished she'd take you into her arms. Then you were enveloped in darkness.


You awoke, still in pain. You could feel the glass being pulled from your skin . You were scared to open your eyes. You just didn't feel prepared to see the severity of your injuries.


It was your mother. A cloth drenched in alcohol was dragged over your open flesh. You inhaled sharply.

"Mother." You whispered.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you are back home. That young man saved your life."
"I remember." You say, finally opening your eyes.
"Don't look at it just yet. Let me put on a bandage. Rest darling."

You had questions. Where was the boy from earlier? Who was he? He seemed too young to be a swordsman but he was carrying a katana... One only demon slayers would carry.
You sat up. Your mother still by your side. Rinsing the bloodied cloth.
"Will he come back?"
Your mother smiled softly.
"He's quite charming isn't he?"She giggled to herself.
"He will. He wished to check on your well-being."
"Is he a demon slayer?" You asked.
"So it seems. He said you were lucky. That trap was set up by a demon. One that enjoys to hunt before..." She needed a second to collect herself.
"He said you were very lucky. The demon prefers men."
"Father.." You muttered to yourself.
She pulled you into a long embrace.
" Soon it will all be over."

It took two more days before you'd meet again. Two dreadful days of waiting. It was already past midnight, when there was a knock on the front door. His mission was over. He was successful.
He was let into the room by your mother. Politely, he knelt next to you.
"Y/N, how are you?" He looked concerned. His brows were furrowed but he was smiling softly.
"Did you kill him? Did you kill the demon?"
He nodded. You sighed in relief.
"How may I thank you?"
"Get well soon for me."
You were a little flustered by his words.

He stood up, ready to leave.
"Can I offer you some tea?" Your mother asked.
He politely accepted. Soon enough you could hear the two talking inside the living room.
"I'm honored for your gratefulness and I thank you for your hospitality..."
The chatting continued but now in a more serious tone.
"...will be fine. I will have to leave in the morning... sadly yes, there's no other way..."

A long period of silence followed. Your eyelids grew heavier and heavier and before you knew it, you had drifted off to sleep.


The next morning you felt dizzy. You wondered when you'd be able to walk again. Then, you remembered yesterday and felt your heart beating in your chest. That boy, he had been so incredibly thoughtful and polite. All of a sudden, it hit you: You hadn't even asked for his name. What if he had already left? You felt as though you hadn't even thanked him properly.

Determined, you hastily sat yourself up. If possible or not, you would at least have to make it into the living room. Your jaw clenched, ignoring the sharp, pulsaiting pain and managed to crawl towards the door frame, then pulled yourself up on the handle. From there, you stumbled into the living room.

You saw your mother at the front door.

"No, wait!" You yelled. "Wait please!"

Your mother looked at you with bewilderment, as you dragged yourself the last few meters through the living area, right through the front door.

"Wait!" You yelled as loud as you could.

The boy, already a few meters ahead of you, slowed down and turned.

"I want to know your name!" You screamed.

"Tanjirou. Tanjirou Kamado." He said, while a soft smile was cast on his face.

"How can I thank you Tanjirou?"

He seemed to laugh a little.

"Give your leg some time to heal... And be sure to take care of your family. Be good to your mother. She loves you very much."

"I promise. I promise I will." Your nose was runny. You felt warm tears run down your reddened cheeks.

"Goodbye Y/N" You heard him say, as he waved one last time.

"Goodbye Tanjirou, stay safe for me!"

And with that he seemed to fade more and more into the morning fog. The sun was rising. Everything was bathed in an orange and red glimmer. And as the first rays of sun shone on your face, you knew your heart would never mend itself together again.

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