You Can Have This Too

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TW: mature language

Reader's POV:
       I stretched my arms and legs as the morning sun hit my face. I rolled over in bed and rolled my eyes at the sight of my fiancé sleeping with his mouth gaping open. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and stood up remembering that I was going into work with Jeff today. I made my way to the bathroom connected to me and Jeff's bedroom to tidy myself up.

         I looked in the mirror as I undressed myself, disappointed filled my head as I looked at my body. Suddenly the door opened, "Oh my god. Are you whining about your body again?" Jeff said rolling his eyes. I simply turned away from him, "You know standing here and complaining about it doesn't do any good." He said and I groaned, "Maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about my body if you weren't constantly telling me how ugly I am." I said still not looking at him. He laughed, "Yeah, make it my fault!" He said throwing his hands in the air. I shut the door and locked it. He laughed in annoyance and walked away. I sighed before stepping into the shower.

         I finished getting ready and made my way to the car to wait for Jeff. About 10 minutes later he exited the front door and locked it behind him. He opened the passenger door and got in, "When did we decide that you were going to drive?" He said harshly, "When did you decide to be a dick?" I asked, "Okay are you on your period or something? You're being a total bitch!" He said raising his voice. I took a deep breath, "I'm not doing this with you Jeff. Stop acting like a child." I said calmly. He rolled his eyes, but stopped talking. I drove us to his work and quickly got out of the car and began walking to the big glass doors. He followed slowly behind me. Once inside I made my way towards his work area. I kept my head down as I walked past most people, but couldn't help but stare as I pasted Jeff and Mutt's assistant Wilhemina Venable. She gave me a cold look, "Good morning Ms. Venable." I said with a smile. She nodded, "Hello Ms. Y/l/n." She said plainly. I entered Jeff's work area and Mutt spun around to look at me, "Wow! Y/n you look hot!" Mutt said looking me up and down, "Mutt I thought I made myself clear the last time I was here. If you hit on me again I will slap you into next year." I said and he laughed, "Wow my bad, boss woman!" He said holding his hands up in defense. I chuckled lightly and sat my stuff down at Jeff's desk. Just as I did so he walked into the room, "Oh good you've already invaded my space." He said rudely. I took a deep breath and smiled walking over to him, "Watch your tone with me Jeff. I'm going to go get us some coffee. I'll be right back." I said and he clenched his jaw, "Mutt, coffee?" I asked and he nodded, "Uh yeah black." He said and I nodded and left the room.

          As I pasted Ms. Venable's desk I stopped, "Ms. Venable, do mind if I ask you a quick question?" I said turning to face her, "What is it?" She asked looking up at me, "How on earth do you manage that fiancé of mine on a daily basis?!" I said with a giggle. She released the smallest smile and stood up, "I stay at my desk for a reason Ms. Y/l/n." She said and I laughed lightly, "Would you care to join me? Im just grabbing the guys some coffee quickly." I said and she nodded, "Sure. Though I don't understand why you volunteer to do things for them?" She said and I laughed, "The same reason you stay at your desk Ms. Venable." I said and she chuckled lightly. This was the most conversation I had ever had with this woman and I wasn't mad about it. I had always thought she was gorgeous, but now that I'm standing right next to the slightly taller woman I'm realizing her beauty even more. We walked to the lounge and I was relieved to see that it was empty, "Oh thank goodness there's no one else in here." I said with a sigh. Ms. Venable looked at me confused, "Not one for conversation huh?" She asked and I nodded, "Definitely not." I said with a small laugh. I made both Jeff and Mutt's coffee's along with one for myself. Ms. Venable also made herself a coffee. We continued to talk as we made our way back to her desk. Once she had sat back down I smiled at her, "Well I'm sure I'll talk to you more today. That being said, if I don't see you, I hope
you have an amazing day." I said and she nodded, "You too." She said and I entered the boys office again.

          I gave Mutt his coffee and Jeff his. He took a sip and groaned, "This coffee taste like burnt asshole!" He yelled and threw the coffee at me. I dodged the cup and looked at him slowly, "Excuse me, but all I did was pour it into the cup." Ms. Venable entered the room, "What was that noise?!" She asked looking around the room until she spotted the cup. I inhaled and took a step towards Jeff, "I don't know who you think you are, but you certainly are not going to treat me like this!" I said raising my voice. Jeff took a step backwards, "You're the one being a total asshole!" He shouted at me, "You want to see me be an asshole? Fine. Here take my coffee instead, and take this damn ring too! I sure as hell don't want to be engaged to you!" I yelled before picking up my bags and walking out of the room. As I passed Ms. Venable she whispered, "Nice job." To me. I smiled as I left the building. That felt amazing.

   I walked to my car and didn't look back when I heard the doors of the building open again. I heard Jeff yelling at me and what sounded like Ms. Venable yelling at him. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm violently. I turned and saw Jeff, "You can't do this! Where are you gonna go?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow, "I'm going home. I own that house. Your name is not on anything I own. That house, this car, everything in the house. It's all mine." I said and he gulped, "So I guess I should be asking you where you're going to go? Oh wait... I don't care. All I care about is that you and your shit is out of my house by the end of this week." I said with a smile and I got into the car. He let out an angry yell as I drove away. As I looked in my mirrors I saw Ms. Venable smiling at my car as I sped off the property. Once I got home I began putting Jeff's things into trash bags and setting it by the front door.

At 5pm the front door swung open, "Um excuse me, I would watch what you break, or you're going to own me money." I said and he let out a frustrated grunt. He stormed upstairs and I laughed, "Where are you going? All of your things are right by the door." I said and he stopped and turned around walking back and grabbing some of the bags taking them out to Mutt's car. I smiled as he took the last bag. He walked back in and stood in the doorway, "What the hell Y/n?!" He yelled as I took a sip of the wine I was holding, "Hm?" I hummed looking at him, "Why are you doing this? Don't you love me?" He said and I chuckled and walked to him, "Sweetheart, how naïve are you?" I asked and he looked at me confused, "I'm a raging lesbian." I said and his eyes widened. I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I wish you the best. Also I would appreciate it if you would send me Ms. Venable's phone number. I have some business to speak with her about." I said and he nodded and left. With that I went back to the couch and continued drinking my wine.

A/n: sooo basically you're a bad bitch!! Let me know what you guys think!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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