The Beginning and the End

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Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones




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A/N: I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones Modern AUs, and I thought I'd bring a little of that to DanMachi in this one-shot. I do miss writing DanMachi fanfics, but I still don't have the time to devote to an entire full-length fanfic at the moment, so this is me scratching an itch with my OTP of DanMachi Bell/Haruhime in a modern setting.

I hope you enjoy this 15k words one-shot!

P.S. SMUT is involved so read at your own risk

P.P.S. I don't know jack shit about the medical field other than a few combat life saver classes I had to take before I was deployed to Iraq, so don't take the little bit of that you read to heart, the job simply fit the character of the, well, character lol

As Sanjouno Haruhime sat at the vanity watching her sister in all but blood, Aisha, carefully apply light makeup to her face, she couldn't help but smile as she thought of how this day had come at last.

She had always envisioned this as part of her life, but she never imagined her life could turn out to be this fantastic. The best part about it, it all was tied into the two things she'd loved most in the world only a year ago.

Heroes and Work.

Being that she was a woman approaching thirty years old soon, it probably sounded childish she held onto something as fantastical as heroes who fought monsters and saved Princesses as such a large part of her life, but it was who she was.

It wasn't as if there was some dungeon around she could go find a hero at, or dragons roaming the world looking to destroy cities. No, those were fantasies, but fantasies Haruhime had been enamored with since she was a child.

She'd read nearly every hero story that existed, and if she hadn't read it, it was because it was in a language she couldn't read herself. She hadn't grown out of that habit even when she reached high school, college, or her professional career.

Perhaps it was still childish of her when she was in her late teens and early to mid-twenties, but she'd never found 'her hero' as she liked to put it. Sure, she'd been on plenty of dates. Haruhime wasn't ignorant to how she looked, she knew she was pretty, but she never felt that spark with someone she always thought she would.

Well, she believed she did when she was young and naive, but she learned from that mistake long ago. She was way too enamored with heroes to realize how the world truly worked around her at the time, and it allowed a boy to fool her into thinking he was someone he wasn't.

Haruhime is just glad she'd finally figured him out before she went too far with a liar. Sure, she'd done some exploratory things with him, she was a curious teenager at the time, but she would always be grateful it was never more than some making out and using her hands.

Although she hated she was so easily fooled as a girl, it had been a valuable life lesson for her at the time that she still used to this day. She had never been one to judge and always gave people the benefit of the doubt, and her terrible experience in trust hadn't diminished that.

However, it allowed her to spot people's intentions, men more than women, before she could be lied to again and taken advantage of. Those two factors of her personality led Haruhime to possibly set the record for the number of dates a woman could possibly go on.

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