Bath Bombs

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Jonghyun hummed happily as he practically skipped home, grocery bag in hand.

Today was for him and only him. He wasn't going to let himself worry about work or his fans or his image or anything really. He was just going to treat himself and take care of his mental health.

He opened the door to his apartment and gave Roo a pat on the head before heading to the restroom. Jonghyun set down a grocery bag on the counter and dug through it. Inside was a bath bomb, his favorite chocolates, and a CD he had been wanting to listen to for a while but just hadn't had the time. After turning on the tub to get the water heating up, he went to his bedroom to  grab a towel and his old CD player so he could listen to his music while he relaxed in the tub.

He went back to the restroom and placed his hand under the bathtub's spout to test the temperature. The singer nodded happily at the slightly hot temperature and put the plug in the drain so the tub would start to fill itself. He picked up the pink bath bomb and looked at it for a moment. It had pearls like balls of powder decorating at the outside and, according to the package, it had a fake rose in it's center. It was really elaborate. 

Jonghyun pulled out his phone and took quick picture of it. The tub was filled by then so he turned off the water and took off his clothes, throwing them in the corner of the room in a crumpled heap. He took one last look at the crystal clear water before dropping the bath bomb in. The second it hit the water, it let out a low fizzling hiss. The pink powder began to heap into the water, staining it pink. The scent of roses began to float around the room and Jonghyun sighed contently as some of the tension in his shoulders began to leave him. 

He grabbed his phone and took a picture of the pink water. By then, the bath bomb had reached a different colored powder and a lighter pink was pooling out into the water. Just watching the bomb was relax in itself. The way it slowly dissolved and the constant fizzle it emitted was mesmerizing and Jonghyun couldn't tear his eyes away from it and it slowly floated around the tub. He reached out and traded his finger in a zigzag pattern when the lighter pink and the dark pink met. The two colors swirled around his touch and danced around each other like a swirling galaxy. The two halves of the bath bomb fell apart and began to drift away from each other. In one half was the promised paper flower. Jonghyun watched it as it soaked up the water and seemed to bloom as it floated across the water. He took another picture and smiled.

Taemin loved bath bomb with a passion. He collected as many as he could and used them every time he had enough time for a bath instead of a shower. He was going to be so jealous that Jonghyun was using one from Lush (his favorite brand, too) while he was stuck at a photoshoot with a photographer he couldn't stand.

Jonghyun texted the photos to Taemin but seconds later was met with an error message. He sighed. That's right. Some fans had gotten ahold of his phone number and he had to change it. This had only happened a few times since their debut but it would be nice if all their fans were good ones. 

Taemin had given him his new number that morning on a small slip of paper that he had put in his back pocket. He went over to the haphazard pile of clothes and dug around in his jean's pockets until he found it. Unfortunately some water had gotten on it but it didn't seem too bad. He could still make it out.


Jonghyun started dialing the number in his phone, struggling over whether or not the eights were threes and vis versa. When he figured he probably got it right, he went ahead and sent the pictures accompanied by a cheeky, "Enjoying my day off! Have fun at work :)" text.

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