The Mechanic

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Well second day here at work, was not expecting to be greeted by a giant Fred bear.

Freddy grinned down at me, "Good morning (Y/N)!"

I smiled at him, "Good morning, Freddy."

His ears wiggle a bit, "(Y/N), I'm still very sorry for the way my friends acted yesterday. And I wanted to come and apologize to you first thing in the morning!"

I blinked, "Have you been waiting here the whole time?"

He grinned, "Yes!"

I chuckled, awkwardly, "Oh no, poor Freddy~."

I gesture for him to lean down, and he does. I pat his head, "Don't do that again, even though you were trying to apologize." I stroke his head.

Freddy stays silent, "I understand (Y/N)..."

I remove my hand, "Well that's good!"

I turn to walk off, "Oh! Also I've already forgiven you and your friends, so no need to worry."

Freddy follows behind me, "Sorry, I can't help but worry sometimes."

I sighed, "Freddy~"

I stop in front of him, "I am also sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I already told you most of the details, but I'm apologizing again." I smiled.

"(Y/N), I-" Freddy gets cut off by multiple of my coworkers pushing him off... somewhere.

"Oh, well, bye Freddy," I say even though he can't hear me.

"What are we gonna do today?" I stretched my back, and looked at my schedule.

I grumbled, "I should've looked at this schedule sooner, why did I do it last minute?"

I shrug to myself, "Cause you are a lazy bi-"



I turn around to find a red-headed man.

"You're the new employee right?" He asked, his green eyes peering straight through me.

"Ahhhh, yes."

"Good, I need you to skedaddle and start fixing things." He grabs my shoulders and pushes me.

"But what am I supposed to fix?" I try to go along with him.

"Everything." With one last shove I'm in the atrium.

But we are near opening hours! I turn to try and ask more, but he was gone.

I sighed, "Okay, everything."

I look around, "Well, shi-"

"Take a map!"


A robot slaps a map in my face and continues to slap it into my face.

It wants me to take it. I grab it and harshly pull it away.

"Thank you." I grit out through my teeth.

"You are welcome." The robot rolled away.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Okay!" I sigh out.

"Let's start with...upstairs?"

I walk out into the atrium's center. And I count the floors, there are three floors.

"On second thought, I think I'll start where I am." I walk towards the food stands. Examining them thoroughly.

"Nothing seems to wrong with anything here. I'll go check the back rooms." I open the door to the back area and get greeted by a caution robot.

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