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Author's note: This is the first time I am writing a fan fiction. So if I made a mistake sorry and let me know I will write as soon as I finished a chapter. And I will try to write as soon as possible. Please vote and comment if you like it and follow me.

Ariel's POV.
I ran out of my parents room and ran towards the kitchen so I can grab a knife, to protect myself. My parents were tied up in their room. What did he wanted from me? From my family? He said he watched me grow from cocoon to a beautiful butterfly. He said I was rightfully his. That if it was not for him I would not have been in this world. I grabbed a knife and stood there ready to attack him any time. He came closer. He was not affaird of the knife. He was so big and heavy I tried my best to fight him, to hit him on his private part and, to run out the door but his hands touched me and I stopped. I couldn't move. His hands went towards my chest he touched me in the places he shouldn't have and he told me that I was so grown up. I got mad and kicked him on his private part and ran towards the front door I opened one lock and moved toward the next and I felt his hands touch me on my bottom and move up slowly until he reached my arms he picked me up and took me to my parents room and tied me up. And than the most horrible thing in my life began I couldn't scream. It was as if he had taken my voice when he touched me and tied me up.

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