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A/N: You can leave requests on tumblr under @glowingspence or in the comments <3

"It's okay, you are okay." Quickly Luke had hurried through the bullpen when Spencer's whines got more and more intensive up to the point where he took his hand up to his mouth and started biting down on it, "Come one, we go to Hotch, it's okay."

To their dismay, Spencer doesn't seem to process the words and just reaches for Luke, painful whines coming from behind his hand, "I am here, you will be okay, we are gonna sit down on the floor okay?"

"What are you doing?" Derek questions when he sees Luke grabbing him under his arms to get him on the floor. He has learned that Spencer feels a lot safer feeling the ground when he is having a meltdown than to be on the chair or even standing up. It's also easier for Luke to help him this way and the fact that Spencer knows Luke would do this, and follows a routine, as far as that is possible, helps him trust him that he is going to work him through his. "Hey!"

Roughly Derek grabs him by his arm when Luke reaches under Spencer's jacket to find his in-ears he normally keeps in his pockets, "Back off." Luke speaks in a calm tone because if he gets mad now or even starts yelling, he certainly won't be any help to Spencer, "It's okay, you are okay, give me a second." He keeps on soothing him while reaching into his back pockets, "Where are his in-ears?"

"Why don't you start by backing away?"

"In-ears. Now." Derek stares at him for a moment before he starts searching through Spencer's desk while Luke pulls him against him, covering his eyes with his hand and the ear that Spencer doesn't cover himself with his other hand. "Check his bag"

"Hold on, i have spear ones in mine." Quickly Derek hurries over and grabs the small package and gets them out for Luke to put in. On the job, Derek is the one Spencer would let handle this right now. "If you don't tell me your relationship, I am sorry but I am gonna do everything so that you move away from him right now." Derek threatens again, as far as he knows, the two agents donä#t even talk on coffee breaks.

Spencer makes another noise when Luke takes his hand off his already pressed shut eyes to put the in-ears in, "It will be better in a moment." He speaks in a low voice, careful not to slip into a whisper which Spencer finds much more uncomfortable. "We have one in, angel. One to go, you are doing so good." He pries Spencer's hand off and helps him with the second in-ear before covering his eyes again and looking up tp Morgan, "I am his boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Derek winces at the sight of Spencer biting down on his hand like this but he gets ignored, while Luke knows Spencer does nothing but adore him, he can't put his attention on him now.

Gently he taps the hand that is in Spencer's mouth a few times and it takes a moment before Spencer reacts and takes it out of his mouth, hitting it against Luke's stomach frantically until Luke places chewable pendant in between his teeth and he uses his other hand to direct it to the back of his teeth and gladly accepts when Luke uses his sleeve to wipe the salvia up his other hand.

After that, Luke wraps one arm around him placing it at his waist and keeping the other over his eyes and just listens to the sounds he makes and the movements he does with his hands to make sure he isn't missing anything Spencer wants to tell him.

"What's going on?" Emily asks when she comes back in and sees them on the floor, "Is he okay?"

"Meltdown." Derek explains quickly and Emily sits down on her desk, still being close to them but not crowding Spencer even more while Derek sits down in front of him, Spencer's hands eventually reaching for something and only stopping when he finds Derek's hand and pulls him closer before he gently travels up the long scar he has on his arm from when he was a teenager, before his finger meets the fabric of his shirt and he flinches away for a moment before Derek carefully guides his hand back, distracting him while Luke moves his fingers on the hand that is coverings his eyes a little bit apart to test the waters.

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