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Hecate's Academy of Gifts & Sorcery (often shortened to HAGS for convenience) has always been a dangerous place to attend. Parents of magical children know the risks they're subjecting their children to – full list includes 'Potentially permanent magical damage' and 'Drastic personality changes' – but despite this, the amounts of times the Academy has been threatened to be sued are somewhat ridiculous.

But, of course, you would know this. It's not an uncommon thing to hear of spells going awry and children returning home with a pair of horns or a tail. I'm sure either you or your children have experienced this for yourselves.

You- what do you mean you haven't?

Not even a neighbour or a friend?

Not at all?

You're not even from Exponentia? Oh dear. I fear I have an awful lot of explaining to do.

Let's start with the simplest of all. No one in Exponentia is what you would call 'normal'. You will never see an 'ordinary' person walking down the street. You may see an ordinary person flying down the street, because when you can fly twice as fast as you can walk, what is the point in wearing down your shoes?

Another thing you should know is that not everyone has the same powers. For instance, the most common magic is telekinesis and the second most common is flight. Healing, teleportation and invisibility are all tied for third.

However, there are some magics that are so rare, a singular person possesses each. These magics are elemental magics and are as follows: air (wind, weather etc), water (ice, steam etc), earth (nature, earthquakes etc) and fire (smoke, flames etc).

3 out of the 4 people who possess these magics are professors at HAGS. Unfortunately, the final one is the biggest threat to life on Exponentia as we know it. Ivy.

She holds the biggest army the world has known for centuries. She has some of the most dangerous creatures in her ranks, including Draxons – poisonous fire-breathing snakelike lizards, distant relatives of the domesticated dragons. She has the ability to control the earth, endangering everyday life with fatal earthquakes.

She has not had her morning coffee yet and she is pissed.

ooooo new book fancy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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