“To new life new beginnings and a new, wait what the hell does this have to do with me” I read the piece of paper grans gave me
“I had to ask cause this makes no sense, Granz”
“Honey bear you’re a mystic you haven’t showed your powers so you have to go to the school for the mystical” said my grandma who I used to think was sane until now
“Listen to me Granz this makes no sense next your gonna send me out side to look at pigs flying which I hope to god there is no such thing”
“How hell no don’t say it and I’m not going to this ohh so mystical school I’ve never heard of and worse you don’t even know if im nothing but a normal teen” ‘with crazy Aunty Syndrome’
“I’ll give you a few weeks to adapt to the idea ok and don’t tell anyone about this ok it’s a big secret and if you think it’s a one big nothin you won’t need to, so later honey and have a loving day”
“Ok, bye Granz you too”
Well that was something weird my Granz has always been crazy and all but this is just nuts, straight psycho. Well there is always time for a intro and anytime is good so here goes, bare in mine that I’m not so good with intros but what ever, my name is Electra Blaze, yes weird I knw, I’m 16 and my parents died when I was 8’in an unexplained death, scary and I’ve been living with gran since, I have red hair with black highlights ’natural’ think that’s weird just wait, I have pink eyes with purple highlights and they change colour when I get mad to the so awesome colours off black, grey and red, I’m the normal height of wait for it 5’1 ‘ yes 5’1, sad, I know’, I’m of normal built ‘the only thing normal about me *sigh*’,
Well since it’s a normal Saturday well I’m hoping it’s a normal Saturday lets ring, my ohh so awesome friends
“Hello” responded the gruff, sexy morning voice of Eric
' “Sup u ain’t up yet” I screamed in to the phone
Followed by fumbling and groaning, hehehe!!!,
“I’m up now!”
“And so am I, why cant u be normal and wake up at the normal teenage time of a 1’0clock pm on Saturdays, damn” said by the obnoxious Ethan
“Why don’t you shut it, get ready and get Ur ass over here before I wake Ur momz”
“Fine, fine, fine, I’m moving, damn” I could almost hear the scaredness in his sarcastic voice
“That’s what I thought, now put Eric on cause I know he’s up and almost ready, now shoo”
“Yeah what’ve?”
“Hey honey good morning” sounded that sexy voice again with the natural deepness OH. MY.GOD
“Hey babe is our idiot ready yet” I said giggling ‘I should really tell this kid how I feel and stop giggling every time he talks’
“Yep leaving out now, see you in a while”
Followed by the cursing off two idiot brothers arguing, then the crashing of fist to face this is were im needed
Mystic: A Dream or Nightmare?
Short StoryIn the school for the mystic every creature and mix-breed known to nature is enrolled. School were love, hate,enchantments and murder are located, mystic high:dream or a bad Nightmare