Chapter 1

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Just want to note that in this story "Bo Burnham" is Zach Stone's stage name! We never got a real answer for what Zach would go famous for, sooooo I said why not make him Bo.


    Who would've ever thought a human could put so much thought into every movement and facial expression; while still being able to remember the next piano key change in a song that didn't stop with them. If they messed up, no one would ever know, hell- no one would even care because they would simply laugh along like it was part of the show, but that's not what Zach Stone was going for. He wanted them to feel every emotion he was feeling with "We think we know you" and how to do that: was to do everything with calculated effort.

    Genesis was in the crowd with eyes as wide as saucers as the electric guitar crowded her ear drums, banging on the membrane to try and give her life long damages. She loved it. Her body rumbled in its seat as she watched closely to every moment Zach's body made- then it all stopped and the anxiety, anger, and happiness that flooded off the stage came to a sudden stop. "Holy Shit -" She whispered softly, before coming to her senses and rising with the crowd in a standing ovation for 'Bo Burnham'. Genesis wasn't screaming the loudest in the crowd, she didn't know if she was even allowed to at a comedy show, but in her mind- she was one of the loudest bitches in that theatre. They all clapped for a long time, long after the audience lights had faded on, even then you could hear small whoops and hollers as audience members slowly made their way to the doors. It's like they, similar to Genesis, didn't want to leave the dopamine rush that was the 'Bo Burnham' show. Good thing Genesis didn't have to right away.

    Genesis had moved towards the front of the stage once everyone had exited the theatre. She felt uncomfortable in her oversized black sweater, jeans, and her "ball stomping" boots- she knew she must've looked like some crazed fan to those who didn't know her. What she didn't realize was that, no shit people would realize they were sitting in a room with one of the most famous actresses in recent news. From her part in the Gatsby, the few Grammys under her belt, and her recent up coming in dance content- the 24 year old was doing well for herself. Though, she didn't want to be seen as different, or like she was that "quirky" celebrity who dressed like anyone else who loved My Chemical Romance in 2006 (man she was 17, old hag- /j). She just so happened to be a celebrity who loved My Chemical Romance in 2013 and dressed like it... she just hated being pointed out for stupid things. "Ms.Yiles?" A deep voice spoke out from behind the 5'5 now 5'10 girl. She quickly turned around, maybe jumping a little, to meet the eyes of a taller male with the shirt reading staff on the front pocket. Noticing her confused and wide eyes, he continued, "I was sent by Douglass to grab y'a." The man spoke naturally now, his posture relaxing once he realized he had in fact found the right person.

    "Oh! Of course, my agent Harini isn't here today but she said that was okay with Mr.Douglass." Genesis rambled before realizing that the staff member in front of her definitely didn't give two shits about what celebrity agents were talking about. "Lead the way Mister.." She trailed off, hoping he would give her a saving grace from the embarrassment that was her oversharing.

    "Alan!" He finished for Genesis, a reassuring grin on his face that Genesis could only compare to what teachers give nervous students during a presentation. He was good at that.

    "Alan." she repeated, "Lead the way, Sir." She spoke happily as she fixed her defensive posture- the arms she had originally wrapped around her chests, now relaxed at her sides- insecurely fiddling with the strap of her purse. She followed Alan up the stage and through the side curtains, Genesis was never a theater kid in high school- hell she didn't get into acting until college where most would say it was too late for her to decide. Either way, she was not 100% use to the look of backstage- besides the passing of it she had during band concerts...she doesn't want to hear one word out of your mouth. After a couple seconds of her almost busting her ass on the miscellaneous cords that were duct taped to the floor, they were out of the dark backstage and in the hall way of dressing rooms. Next thing Genesis knew, she was looking up at a darker skinned man fast walking up to her and Alan in a fancy suit.

    "Genesis! Ah! I'm sorry I couldn't grab you myself, but I hope Alan kept you safe." Douglass. Well at least that's what Genesis would quickly label the slightly loud man.

    "Oh Alan's awesome, however I did almost die about five times in the two seconds we were back there." Genesis joked, earning a small chuckle from Alan who stood beside her- seeming like he was holding back a comment while in front of Douglass.

    "Well, I've got you from here. Thank you again Alan." Douglass said dismissively as he placed a hand on Genesis' forearm. With a confused look, Genesis turned toward Alan and waved with a small smile. Mouthing a 'thank you' as she was guided away- she was given that 'teacher reassuring' smile from the man again before he went off to work again. 

    She knew she needed it a little more this time.

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