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Hi everyone, English isn't my fist language so if I make any mistakes tell me! Have fun reading!


It has been one week since Lucifer and Chloe were finally together. They are literally a power couple. They wake up next to each other, eat breakfast together, then go to work together and come home together. They don't live together yet but they are always at Lucifer's penthouse or at Chloe's house.

*8:00 monday before work at the penthouse*

"Goodmorning babe" Chloe said with a sleepy voice. "Goodmorning to you to detective" Lucifer said while waking up. "Let's go to work, we're already a bit late" Chloe said while getting out of bed with Lucifer's shirt on. "Do we have to? Can't we call in sick today" Lucifer asked with puppy eyes. "No babe, there is a new case and we gotta solve it" Chloe said while putting on some clothes. "Okay, I'm coming, should we get breakfast at Starbucks or something?" Lucifer said while also putting on some clothes. "Yeah sure, but we to go now" Chloe said while brushing her teeth. "Coming" He says while walking up to chloe to give her a kiss. Chloe notices Lucifer and kiss him back. "Are you serious brushing your teeth with my toothbrush?" Lucifer asked while kissing her. "Yeah, but don't you worry about that in my mouth" Chloe says tempting while she puts the toothbrush under the tap and putting it back in the place where she grapt it. 

*At the precinct*

"That was really good breakfast, we should get it more frequently" Chloe says while eating her last bite of her sandwith. "Yeah we should" Lucifer says while looking at Chloe eating. "Hey guys, new case dropped you coming?" Ella said while walking gleesome to the couple. "Yeah sure, where do we have to go?" Chloe said while looking at Ella. "Longstreet 69 San Diego" Ella said. "Lets go Chloe" Lucifer said with a smile, while walking towards the door. "Coming!" Chloe said while following Lucifer. 

Once they arrived at the crimescene, Ella followed them and told them all the details about the victim. Their first suspect was the victims girlfriend. She found the body and reported it to the Lapd. It was a blond hair girl, and she looked a little like Candy.

"Hello, my name is Chloe Decker and this is my partner Lucifer Morningstar, we would like to ask you some questions about the victim" Chloe said seriously, while she already noticed that the girl was giving Lucifer a hungry look. "Hello, my name is Keisha, me and Jason (the victim) had a lot of relationship trouble, I cheated on him several times and so did he" Keisha said while trying to hint Lucifer that she was single now. "Okay, do you know anyone who may have wanted to hurt Jason?" Chloe asked. "No not really, almost everyone I know was really in to him, all the girls where in love with him, some guys to, and the rest just really adored him" Keisha said while still looking at Lucifer. "Mm, I can relate to that" Chloe said while thinking at looking at Lucifer. "Detective should I do my thing?"Lucifer asked almost dying from boredom. "Yeah sure, I'm gonna take another look at the victim to see if i can find some clues" Chloe said while walking to the victim to take another look. "Okay, Keisha, what is it you truly desire?" Lucifer said while looking deep in to her eyes, closing the distance between them. "I......I...Just really want to do something.." Keisha said while being under Lucifers "Spell". "And what is that?" Lucifer said looking even deeper in her eyes. "This" and then she kissed him, right at that moment Chloe looked, first she was in shock and then she run away, crying. Lucifer pulled away and ran after her. When he catched up, Chloe was crying even more. "Detectiv- Chloe, I'm so sorry, she just kissed me out of nothing and I..." Lucifer said while feeling sorry. "Just leave me alone" Chloe said while running even faster. 

*At Chloe's apartment*

Chloe was really sad, how could Lucifer do that? Did he fell back into his old habits or something? She just couldn't believe it. A few hours later chloe was drinking wine while crying, when Lucifer texted.

Lucifer: *Chloe, can you please meet me, I'm so sorry and I want to explain everyting*

Lucifer: *If you want to talk, or atleast give me a chance to explain myself, meet me in the park at 10'o clock. I understand if you won't show, but I'll be there.

Chloe looked at the messages and hesitated if she would go or not. She wanted to, because she loves him but she is also very mad. Ten o' clock was already in forty-five minutes and she desited to go. She was a little drunk, but she wasn't that drunk that she couldn't drive.

In about forty minutes later, Chloe got in the car and drove to the park. It was only a five minute drive but it was raining really hard. When Chloe got there, she saw Lucifer standing and waiting for her, soaking wet. Gosh, he was hot, Chloe thought. When Lucifer saw her, he smiled, he was really happy she showed up because he really wanted to talk.

"Hey Chloe" Lucifer said. "Hi" Chloe said short. She looks so hot, especially when she was wet, Lucifer thought. "I just wanted to say that it wasn't what it looked like back there. She kissed me and I pulled away immediately because I love you Chloe, you mean everything to me and I would never cheat on you or kiss another girl because you are the one for me. I even want to start a future with you because you are the best thing that ever happend to-" And then he was interrupted by Chloe kissing him. There they were kissing in the rain, both crying their eyes out and both having so much love for eachother. With the raindrops falling from the sky, on their body's, Chloe pulled away." Its okay, sorry I got so upset. I love you, with my whole heart". Chloe said with tears in her eyes and looking loving at her lover. Lucifer reacted, also crying "I love you too chloe, with every piece of my heart.

The End

Hey guys, let me know if you liked it and also let me know if I made any grammar mistakes <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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