Chapter 1

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Her eyes shot open, the excrutiating pain waking her up. She tried to get up but ended up falling back, swearing under her breath.

"So they did manage to hit me huh...gotta give those suckers credit." She tried to laugh it off. "Now...where am i?...."y/n asked herself. She looked around noticing she was on some kind of beach. "I.. need to get to a city.."y/n breathed heavily while clutching her abdomen wound. She picked up some long branch leaning on it for help. Her footsteps were heavy as she dragged her feet along, leaning on a few trees along the way.
Just as y/n was about to give up hope she saw a small cabin a few feet away. She used all of her strenght left and began to limp towards the cabin amd only seconds later her vision became dark, she hit the floor as a ton of bricks. She was out cold. Footsteps could be heard nearing y/n uncouncious body.

"Honey! Come HERE! There is a person in need of help! Quick!!"

Y/n began to shift slightly, noticing a comfortable bed under her. Her sword sitting on a table next to her. Then the door opened revealing a kind looking woman.
"Oh i see that you're awake.. how are you feeling? Can i get you anything to drink?"the woman asked kindly. "I-... uh..water would be nice?...who are you? Why did you save me?.." y/n asked confused.
The woman just smiled at her "i'm Daiyu, and isn't it human decency to help one in need?" she laughed it off leaving the room. Then she came back holding a cup of water. "Drink were hurt pretty badly. Thank Rex Lapis that i found you when i did." Daiyu said. Y/n just nodded while chugging the water down.
"Do tell, how did you even manage to get hurt like that?" Daiyu asked concerned.
Y/n just stayed quiet. Daiyu understood that it was a touchy subject so she left it alone. "Well i'm gonna let you rest. Just call out if you need anything." Y/n nodded.

-Time Skip (a week)-

Y/n went out to catch dinner which would be fish. When she got to her spot she set out a blanket and sat down, pulling out a fishing pole.
The fish were practically jumping in the basket. "This reminds me of home..." she sighed sadly. Suddenly she was pulled out of her thoughts, splashing in the water. "Did i just catch a fking LEVIATHAN OR WHAT??" She gritted her teeth. "Eh.. this will definetly be enough for dinner."she shrugged it off and went on her way back to the cabin, wet as if she got out of a shower.

"I caught dinnerrr!" Y/n yelled proudly showing off her trophies.
"Wonderful, i'll go ahead and start to cook it" daiyu smiled.
-small timeskip-

"I was thinking...that i'm ready to travel again..thanks to you of course. Do you by any chance know the closest city?"y/n asked. Daiyu pondered for a moment before replying with "liyue city."

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