It has been while now, I have read more and more.
un countable number of books,
come to a place where I can see some of the most profound books that really change you for good.
Now here is a question about what is really good ? and useful to ourselv...
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Here we are really exploring the necessity to begin, solving something that matters most, Why we are into something rather than nothing ? This question bothered me sometime, there is nothing significant in that,we do it anyway. we are into something , but why we are into it, Is there something that really needs to solved ? Is this world is like a puzzle and now and then it needs to be solved? Why we are always in mode of constant seeking hopping one day we get it, Now what is the necessity of it ? Why we can't just stop it ? What we really looking for ? Is there anything we are lacking and we are looking forward to get it ? How suppose we are sure of it, we are near to it,or not ? Now what we are looking for, that eagerness , that waiting , the patience, there is hope , what are we really want, I see some people say,they want joy and happiness, Is that enough when we find it, there the end, Where is the end in these seeking,
What we want do, we do it ? It is the path, those who can see clearly may reach it, Now who is really able to see it, who can see clearly ? Is that persistent , patience and committed way ? I see it, people don't like who suggest this is the only way, I see every path is valid, until you have destination Now what is destination is really about ? I see some just stumble upon these questions for a while and let go ,most of them without answer ,and some try hard and give up
Now here we are looking for meaning, purpose and destination of our being,? Are we able to explore this, Now comes the question of necessity to explore , people say until and unless that serves happiness and joy there is no way, Some say something inside they lack , something incomplete there is part of it something to be filled, It is true that joy and happiness is itself the void that fulfilled and it is also partial truth and there is something more apart from it,