Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hello everyone! Welcome to my story! Hopefully I will finish this haha. The chapters will come slowly but surely:) so please be patient with me. Enjoy chapter one:) Oh and also go ahead and follow my Instagram! (taron_thescrambledeggsy)

I smacked my alarm clock as I heard it beeped. Summer is over. Now it was time to face reality: My first year of college. I'm going to college to hopefully one day, be a famous actress. I have loved acting all of my life. I would be in every play our high school held. I never got the main role(which always broke my heart) but it made me happy just because I was doing the thing I loved. I sat up in bed, rubbed my eyes, and checked my phone. Hah! I knew it! I thought to myself. My best friend in the whole wide world has been spamming my phone: ~Gooooood morning! Are you ready for today?~~Hey are you up yet?~~Y/N answer meeee!~~You better not be late when we arrive at the train station to set north to college~ Carmen always made sure I was ready when we would do something big. And of course, she had to text me two hours before I even got up. ~Okay Carm calm yourself! And don't worry, of course I wouldn't be late for this!~ I got out of bed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and took a shower. If I was going to school to be an actress, I had to make sure to wear my favorite actor on my shirt for the first day. Taron Egerton was his name. He has only played in one movie which is Kingsman: The Secret Service but when I first saw him on screen, holy shit I about died. If I could make it big one day, I might have a chance to meet him! Or better yet, marry the damn guy! I mean, the guy is only four years older than me. Okay Y/N calm down. You are never gonna marry this guy! He will probably be married already before you even make it to be a Hollywood star. All of a sudden, I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was Carmen because it was a repetitive knock. I opened the door to her jumping up and down with excitement. "Hi Y/N! Aren't you super excited for today? I am! I already know where I'm going to put all of my posters, books, and other little knick knacks in our dorm!" Carmen is the type of person who is ALWAYS organized. There is never a time where she isn't. Also she drinks a lot of coffee in the morning so that is why she is always hyper. "Yeah I guess I'm ready. I just hate school. But soon enough I will meet the man of my dreams." I said jokingly. "OMG yes! You are gonna marry that Trevor guy and have kids and-oooh want me to help plan for your wedding?" Carmen said with excitement. "Carmen!" I said. "Slow down. Nobody is getting married and I doubt I'll ever meet the guy. Also his name is Taron not Trevor you twat. Now come on, let's go so we're not late." We walked out the door. We hopped in the car and drove to the train station. It was only a 15 minute drive from my place. "So." I said to Carmen while driving. "The drama professor said there was going to be a special guest tomorrow." "Oh yeah I heard that too." Stated Carmen. "The professor said he is a small actor and has only been in one movie. What kind of person is he to invite such a newbie to acting and give us tips? The dude is probably rubbish at acting." "Yeah." I said. The statement Carmen said kept repeating in my head. "A small actor who has only been in one movie." Hmmm. Taron is a small actor and has only been in one movie. No no stop getting your hopes up Y/N. It's never going to happen. "Y/K LOOK OUT!!!" Carmen screamed. I looked up and saw I was driving way to fast and was about to slam into another car. I slammed on my brakes. "Christ Y/N are you trying to get us bloody killed??" "Sorry". I said. "I was caught up in thinking about things." The next 10 minutes were silent in the car. We finally arrived at the train station. "So you ready to do this Y/N" Carmen asked excitedly. "Yeah I guess so." We hopped on the 3 hour train ride to Wales. I decided to watch Kingsman: The Secret Service because I had nothing better to do than look at the beautiful Eggsy Unwin. I was pretty excited to go to Wales for college. If I have any free time, I would love to go and explore Aberystwyth which is where Taron grew up. I have been fortunate enough to go and see the Kingsman tailor shop in London. I was totally freaking out because that is where Taron stood! I was standing in the same steps he was in and breathing the same air! I then felt Carmen tap my shoulder. "Y/N! Y/N!" She kept whispering excitedly. I took my earbuds out. "What's up?" I said. "And why are we whispering?" Carmen shushed me. "Shhh I don't want him to hear you." "Him?" I asked. "Who's him?" "Taron." She said. "Taron flipping Egerton is on this train and he is sitting right behind us." "Hah! Good one, Carm. Also how would you know he is behind us? Wait. Did you seriously look over to see who is sitting behind us? That's messed up Carm." "No I'm serious" She said this with in fact a serious look on her face. "I went up to use the bathroom while you were watching a movie. I noticed he dropped something so I went to pick it up for him. When I gave the thing he dropped to him, I saw his face and recognised it. It was your man Taron!" I didn't believe her one bit. She always plays tricks on me to make me believe something. I used to fall for them, but I don't anymore. "Get up and act like you're going to use the bathroom in the back of the train." Carmen said. "Take a quick glance. Trust me!" Honestly, what did I have to lose? So I decided to play along. "Alright alright I'll go." I said. "Try not to pee your pants in front of him." Carmen said, holding in a laugh. I rolled my eyes at her and got up. What if it is true? What if he was really right there? I thought. I mean after all, Carmen did seem very serious about it. Usually when she is joking, she can't help but smile. As soon as I was standing up, I walked slowly and then tilted my head to catch a glimpse of whoever it was. I did. I froze. I stood there. Sweating. Not knowing what to do. I was facing him. He must have noticed me and turned his head to look at me. "Can I help you? He said. He said that in a strong Welsh accent. Carmen really wasn't lying. That was Taron. Taron flipping Egerton. I stood there not knowing what to do. He looked concerned but tried not to show it. "I like your shirt." He said. "It has me on it!" He laughed. I stood there. And without thinking I ran into the train bathroom. I was in complete shock. I had just seen Taron Egerton in person. 

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