Chapter 1: Mission Possible

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My phone buzzed and flashed a text that my dad wanted to see me in his study in the middle of my daily workout session. I sighed and dropped the dumbbell I was holding with my left hand and wiped the sweat that lingered on my forehead.

I walked out of our home gym and made my way to the second floor where my dad waited. Fuck yeah, I finally get a mission, I thought.

As I entered the room the lights began to dim. "Listen well son, because this mission I am about to give you is extremely important and our agency cannot afford to have you fail.” My father said while smoking his very rare brand of cigars that only my uncle knew where to get. "The assignment that I’m about to give you requires you to act and behave like an actual teenage boy. Your assignment starts in 5 days. You better go and get some research done." 

“That’s probably why you need me, right? A devilishly young man to go woo some teenage girls into telling me about the crimes?” I said jokingly, making me earn an annoyed grimace from my father and boss. 

“No, Harry, I doubt that a teenage girl in high school would kidnap two students to sell their organs to make money from the black market.” he replied “I need you to take this seriously.” 

“Yeah, dont worry. I will." I said as I picked up the folder my dad settled on his desk for me to pick up just like all the other missions I’ve done. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me, finally getting some air after the small tension I’ve caused from telling my little joke. This mission is going to be pretty tricky, I thought. 

I went into my own study to begin my research. First things first: the school. I opened the folder and found out that the school that I have to enroll to is my cousin Nikki's school. I was apparently going to go undercover as her cousin, “Connor” who’s been kicked out of his old school for bad grades so it would be a given that I wouldn’t be putting effort in my grades while on my mission. 

I decided to dial Nikki’s number on my phone to ask her about the details of what’s been happening. After about two rings, she picked up. "Harry?"

"Hey couz. How are you? If you're not busy or anything i need to ask you questions regarding the kidnappings in your school.” I said casually.

“I’m good! I heard about this whole thing about you going undercover; you’re so lucky, my dad won’t let me on a mission until I graduate from this hell hole I call school.” Nikki said through the phone, making me smile from her sassy tone. She’s been a spy in training ever since she asked my dad if she could join, but her own dad who is also my uncle won’t let her go on missions because of the precautions. “Anyways, all I can tell you right now about the kidnappings is probably the same thing your dad told my dad. A kid went missing for about a week in my school, and then got back without clothes and a kidney. He almost died with the amount of blood he lost, but lived anyway.”

“Well, was he able to identify who did that to him?” I asked, getting a pad of paper where I can write than notes.

“Nope,” she said, “he was drugged and didn’t remember a thing.” 

“Shit.” I said, making Nikki giggle. It was honestly all I could say from what I just heard.

It was actually funny how easy this seemed compared to my last missions that involved me going on the field where I got to shoot corrupt politicians’ bodyguards or missions where I broke into meth labs. This mission had to make me to act like someone I wasn’t… But how hard could it be?  


Thank you for reading! We wanna know if this fic is something worth continuing so we decided to only put up chapter 2 if this reaches 10 likes. What's a fic without readers, right? Thanks for your cooperation, everyone! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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