Chapter 1

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It was another long day filming a Smosh video.
I had to go over to Kalel's apartment cause we were going on a date. I really feel that me and her relationship is not as strong as it used to be.
As I was packing up my things, Ian said,"hey, do you wanna film another Smosh video? Lunchtime? We can get donuts-"
"Sorry, I have to go to Kalel's" I cut him off.
Ian looked disappointed."oh"
"Maybe next week?" I said.
"Sure" Ian said, still disappointed.
As I left the Smosh house, I remembered that I left my phone by where Ian was sitting.
I trudged back to the house not ready to face Ian again.
When I got inside, I saw him at the table, with my phone!
"Anthony!" Ian said, eyes wide open.
"Ian what are you doing with my phone?!" I couldn't believe it.I marched over to the table to retrieve my phone and saw that he was checking my messages to Kalel. I was too angry to say something to him. I just took my phone out of his hands and ran out of the house.

The adventures of IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now