Forgive and Forget

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Drake's P.O.V

"You ready to go?" I ask Mike. He nods.

"Yeah." He says back. The two of us then creep through the kitchen and out the back door, making sure that we're extra quiet since everyone's asleep. Then we rush over to Freddy's. After what feels like forever, we both stand in front of the back door. I put my hand on the handle but then flashes of our last visit play in my mind. I can feel Mike's eyes staring at me with concern.

"You think Springtrap will be happy to see us?" Mike asks. I let out a sigh.

"After what I said the last time we were here? Doubt it... But I don't want our friendship to end here." I say pushing down the handle. I hear Mike chuckle before walking inside the pizzaria.

We start heading to the back room, but when we get to the main dining area, we see all the animatronics sitting together at one of the tables, even Golden Freddy and the puppet. What's more, it's an hour before midnight. Me and Mike hide in the doorway.

"What the hell is going on here?" I whisper to Mike.

"Don't ask me, I'm just as confused as you." He whispers back. Then Goldy turns his head towards us with his eyes pitch black. I feel a drip of sweat drip down my face.

Someone's here.

I hear Goldy say it in his glitched voice. Then two white dots appear in the middle of his eyes. Then with a flash, he appears right in front of us. Springtrap was right about him having powers unlike the other animatronics. I guess teleporting is one of them.

"Uh, hey there Goldy. Long time no see?" I say nervously holding up my hands.

What are you two doing here?

"We came to see Springtrap?" Mike says.

"Yaar, who be there!?" I hear foxy ask from the main area. I drag Mike out past Goldy and into the main area. The puppet notices us and smiles.

"Oh, you two." He grumbles.

"Hey Foxy, haven't seen you since you tried to kill us." I say folding my arms.

"Last time you two were here was over a month ago. What's with the sudden visit?" Freddy asks.

"Surely not to have you grab me by the throat and choke me to death, again." I growl.

"You're still mad about that?" Mike asks.

"I haven't really forgiven him for that." I say, my left eye glowing it's signiture purple.

Wait, wasn't your hair white?

"Believe me puppet, I have no idea. Hell, I've had no idea since I came here that day." I say holding out my hair.

"So what are you two here for?" Bonnie asks, strumming a few strings of his guitar.

"Well, we came here to give Springtrap a surprise visit." I say.

"After he lied to you?" Goldy says teleporting back into his seat next to Freddy.

"Yeah, he lied to us. But he's fun to be around. I've never had a friend like him, and after the way I just ran out of this place, I feel a little guilty." I say scratching the back of my neck. I look to the ground.

"I'm not sure he deserves-" Goldy says before I interrupt him.

"You can hate him all you want. He's still my friend at the end of the day." I say angrily, looking Goldy dead in the eyes. The others stare at me shocked.

"Now where is he?" I ask Freddy.

"Pirate's cove." He mutters. The glow from my eye fades.

"Cool, thanks." I smile and drag Mike to Pirate's cove by the hand. We reach the cove and start looking everywhere for Spring. Nothing. Then we head towards the curtain and-

"Go away Freddy."

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I look at Mike for advice, and he just smiles, puts his hand on my shoulder and nods to the curtain. I let out a sigh and pull the curtain back, and what I see makes my heart heavy. I see Springtrap sitting behind the curtain hugging his knees. He's holding on to Golden Bonnie tight, and his face is stained with what look like tears. His eyes look lifeless too. He slowly turns his head to look at me and his eyes go wide.

"Hi Spring." I say quietly.

"Drake?" He mutters.

"Been a while huh? Since the last time we...talked." I say staring at the ground. I look up at him with a half smile, but he looks away.

"You shouldn't be here." He mutters.

"Spring...I'm sorry, for running off like that. For saying that stuff on that night." I say. He looks at me with guilty eyes.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Drake. I'm the one who lied, in the one who kept secrets, I'm the one who ruined our friendship!" He says, closing his eyes tight. He hasn't had the plushy so tightly that one of the buttons on its vest pops out.


"No, I deserve this."


"You'll be better off if you stay as far away from me as possible-"


He looks at me and I smile before reaching out to him and hug him tight.

"You may have done some unforgivable things in the past, but so have I. And I don't care. You're one of the best friends I've ever had. I'm glad I came here on that day, I'm glad I got stuck in the parts and service, and I'm glad I met you." I say to him. He's silent for a second, but I feel his arms hugging me tight, and next thing I know, he's sobbing into my shoulder. We stay like that for a few minutes before letting go and smiling at each other. The three of us get to the back room and chat for a little for a while. About ten minutes. Springtrap and I caught up.

"Do you really mean what you said earlier Drake?" He asks.

"Of coarse I do, you silly bunny." I say playfully punching his arm. He laughs for a bit.

"So, are we friends again?" He asks. I look up at him and smile wide.

"Yeah, we are...on one condition." I say cheekily.

"Oh boy." He mutters. I put my hand on the side of his head and make him face toward me.

"No more secrets, okay?" I say with a stern smile, staring into his eyes, that start to glow purple. After a bit my eyes also glow purple. He smiles and ruffles my hair.

"No more secrets." He repeats. I smile and hug him again. Until I hear Mike ask;

"Sorry to ruin this moment, but does anyone else smell that?"

I let go of Springtrap and smell the air.

"Huh, I do smell that..." I mutter.

"It smells like something's..." Springtrap mutters smelling the air too. Mike does the same. Then all of our eyes shoot open.



Yeah, I know I left the chapter at a cliffhanger. Am I gonna get hated for it? Probably. Do I care? Absolutely not. You're just gonna have to wait to see what happens in the next chapter. *Insert evil laugh here* Also, sorry I couldn't wish anyone a happy new year. Not gonna jinx 2022 by saying anything. So, anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading, I'll see you in the next chapter.

[Only 2 or 3 chapters until the book is over, I feel like crying😢]

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