!¡ You own my mind

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Hesseung walked out from Mr park's office, head handging down, he feel a lot more disturbed his mind is messed up now after sharing his thoughts with the older, should he take his advices? were they only advices from an experienced adult? or orders that he should follow letter by letter?.
Whom must he believe? the trust he had developed himself for Jay recently, or Mr park's accusations and assumptions ?.
He need to reset everything clearly in his mind, but no shit, Jay is still waiting for him for sur, he no more find him as a bothersome when he was almost a darling to him the past few days, they finaly had found the peace in them and started caring for eachother more.
He is just unable to face him at the mean time and would prefer avoiding him for the day, refuse to let him down but only want to make him happy, and that goal needs lot of work done to achieve it.
Heeseung walked passing by his secretary bureau, he will ask her to cancel his schedule for the day, only to find Jay there too, and stop at his sight.
Jay who took his time flirting with the woman, something he did never bother do to his own man,
But in fact Jay only wanted to make sure she wasn't from the easy type who will get her hops high and hook up with anyone hints their liking to her, he need to know what kind of people are freely close around his husband

'She is extremely pretty to the point she could become a homewrecker.
Unfortunately he was caught in the middle of his plan by heeseung.

"Jay" he yelled his name after assisting quietly their whole conversation. the way Jay talked to the female worker with his sweet voice and seductive postures made his hot blood boil.

Didn't he just say he missed him and kissed him earlier and now he is here being an asshole, his words doesn't match his actes at all!.

Heeseung can't control it but walk in there, vibrating dark energies, He would liked more to smach Jays head on the table but it will be bothersome for Mr shin to clean his blood from it. So he yanked Jay's arm that rested comfortably on the head of her chaire, and twisted it to the side.

He took him out of surprise "hyung !" Why the violence must be his first choice!
It's ok if he does it when they are alone, but infront of strangers it's so humiliating for his image and position, if people see how Jay is being treated they will see him like trash.

"Hyung it's not like what you think..." he couldn't finish with heeseung already dragging him from his arm, once inside his office he found himself thrown on the sofa that founded infront of the working desk.
Now they were between four walls no one can hear them
What is he planing to do to him.

"So you have took interest in Mrs Shin I see? " heeseung started approaching more, he is about to do something and Jay is mentally preparing himself for it.

He gulpet "No No I didn't! let me clear this". Jay moved his hands infront of him as a stoping signe for the older.
Heeseung rose un eyebrow "Come on then"

"I was.... doing it for both of us!" jay who was trying to be honest for the first time as his hyung taught him to always be he only made it worse, and bit his tongue
'shit what am I saying!'.
They don't f*king need a third partner.

This made the older more irritated than he already was even his head had turned red "Why !? tell me why does it happen whenever I turn my back on you?".

"And Why the hell should you watch on me all the time?? I am your partner not your kid so don't start acting like my dad!" Jay quickly stood up to face him on his same level

Only to be pushed down again "My partner huh? you want me to treat you as my partner then??!" he hissed to him in anger before he lost it.

All Jay could see infront of him was non different creature than a wild animal the seconde heeseung hovered on top of him forcing the younger to lie down and submit like a prey , then started his attacks, sucking and bitting Jay's bare skin, starting by the long of his neck to his chest thanks to Jay for leaving the first boutons of his shirt always open exposing more skin, to mark as his own.
he only felt anger while doing so, and all Jay could get from it was only pain.

Off My Control ×_× [ Heejay ] ×_× Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now