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*you can choose how the characters look*

If true love is real
Will this be forever?
Or is he just here to hurt me.

this story begins on a chilly fall Friday
In palm beach, Florida

•Litos pov•

I had just got done cleaning my room and I sat in my office chair "there's nothing to do" I sighed "literally noth-" I said and before I could finish what I was saying I got a message... from Kalaya

Kalaya (laya) is my best friend and the person I'm in love with.. I picked up my phone

Layaa💘.  (Kalaya, Lito)

Hey Lito, mind if I
Come over for a bit?

not at all.

I'll be there in a
few then

Okay okay
I'll be waiting

Love you🖤

I love you too🖤

Oh fuck kalayas coming over I threw my phone down and got up and put a sweater and shoes on then I went downstairs

As I walked downstairs and heard a knock at the door "damn she's already here" I thought to myself as I opened the door "hey layaa" I said excitedly "litooo" she smiled then hugged me "I missed you" she whispered. "I missed you too" I whispered back. I really loved this girl but how do I tell her and I don't want to ruin our friendship and I don't think she likes me like that so I wont say nothing

~Kalayas pov~

damn he smelt good. I missed his hugs I missed everything I mean shit I haven't seen him in a year since I moved but I moved back and now I can finally touch him again that's what I needed. I needed him he made me feel safe like no one could hurt me. But there is someone that can hurt me and that someone was my dad. My dad already did hurt me but I couldn't tell him. I have to keep my bruises hidden. I looked down a little "hey you okay?" He asked as he tilted my head up a little "Yeah I'm fine" I replied. He looked at me and frowned "you don't seem fine" he said "ba-" I shook my head "I mean Lito I'm fine" I smiled a little "okay good just know I'm here if you ever need me" he said and I smiled n nodded all I could do was smile he had me wrapped around his finger he makes me feel so much better I'm actually happy.

•Litos pov•

She really didn't seem okay it was like she was hiding something from me but what could she be hiding "hey Kalaya, you don't really seem okay, look at me"  I said then she looked at me with fear in her eyes "I-I- Lito" she stuttered "What's wrong" I put my hand on her cheek "I-" before she finished her sentence she showed me a bruise on her shoulder "Kalaya what the fuck happened" I said. It looked recent like she was being abused. Who was doing this to her I had to know "Laya please tell me who did it" I started to tear up. she grabbed me and whispered in my ear "My dad" I was shocked I've always thought her dad was a good person I never thought he would hurt her "Laya hey it'll be okay" I reassured her "but I have to go back soon a-and Lito I'm scared" she said with a shaky voice

~Kalayas Pov~

I felt as if I was gonna die everything started hurting everything started spinning "It- it hurts" I groaned "Hey hey let's sit you down" He said as he held me up and brought me over to the couch and sat me down. I leaned back on the couch and coughed a few times "Kalaya.. please" he quivered "I- I'm sorry-" I said before passing out.

Litos pov•

Fuck.. She was out I put my hand on her chest and she was still breathing "thank Fucking god, kalaya wake up" I said then I started shaking her "Please wake up" I yelled then I held her hand and waited for her to wake up.

*Three hours later*

She finally woke up and she looked straight at me "Hi" she whispered then she Held my hand back "hey" I smiled damn I think she does like me.. I'm not going to get my hopes up though. She smiled at me and all I felt were butterflies. She looked so pretty. I fell in love again. It was so easy for her to make me fall in love "I love youuu carlito thank you for staying with me" she said then smiled bigger "I- I love you more, and no problem I couldn't leave you" I said as I pulled her close n put my pointer finger on her nose "boop" I laughed and she giggled. Aw- what the fuck why was she so damn cute. I blushed but hid my face quickly "aww I seen that" she giggled again "you didd?" I smiled "yes I did so move your hand cause it's cute" she then moved my hand and jus stared at me. I couldn't help It I just leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back "I-I-" I stuttered and she smiled "Should've done that a long time ago haha" she said and I just looked at her "how long ago?" I asked "A couple months after we met" she replied "oh, but I didn't think you'd do that.. shit I don't even think you want me" I said and she laughed "Eh who knows, maybe, Maybe not" wow she was gonna just keep me here wondering if she wanted me or not. She needs to stop playing with me goddamn.

Sorry this was all I could do atm took me a lil while to feel like publishing it. So be nice 🫶🏼

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