Dystopia chapter 1

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  dystopia: is a community or society, usually fictional, that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. Dystopias are worse case seneriosan un perfect world, with  no freedom, harsh customs, and conditions......

The night terrors still hadent calmed and it had been months.

"Carry, Caroline where are you?!"

It still felt as though I could smell and feel the ash falling on my body. I remebered it as if it was yesterday. It was febuary 21st  10pm, on a frigid night. The first night the Ocotopians landed.

" Carry?! " i cried in fright, no response.

I could still feel the heat on my face, remeber how it licked the walls moving with a life of its own. The way my heart beat pumped and beat with blood, adrenaline, dread. Where was she? of course I know but  dont want to want to re-live the memories, have the flashbacks. I layed back on the thin blanket layed out on the ground and closed my eyes remebering.

    I saw myself as I ran couphing up the spiral stair case in my house, the normally cream colored walls were peeled, burnt and black from the fire. I remebered how quickly with haste and trembling fingeres I unzipped my hoodie and pressed it too my nose, trying to breath and escape the smoke and smell of burning paper that was soffocating me, trying to protect my lungs.

" Caroline? "I yelled again after taking a deep breath into the cloth of my sweater.

Fear had begun to sneak its way through all the arts of my brain. The floor creaked with my weight under my feet as I ran through the large house. Picture frames begane to fall off walls and the large chandalier that hung on the celieng above our stairecase had fallen a few inches away from me, and had shattered into a million little sharp chrystals reflecting the scorching flame. I rember the feel of sweat trickling into my eyes, remebered wiping my brow as I continued up the steps, legs  starting to feel the burn from running and finally reached the top floor and searched  for her.

The fear I had felt had is perminently burned into my memory along with the guilt leaving its scar. It was the kind of fear that makes you feel helpless, sweaty and your heart beats as through it was exploding from your chest, you feel dizzy and sick with worry. I came to her door, my sister caroline's and saw the flames eating there way out from under her door, an eery silence completely had taken over me in that moment. My heart in panic mode and adrenline soaring I kicked the door in screaming for her, straining to hear a responce over the now roaring fire sizziling back to life.

Smoke swirled in my face when the door was knocked down making me squint and then I saw her, in the arms of an Ocotopian which before this time I hadnt ever seen, his wings a silvery-white and extended, his neck craned downward looking at whatever was in his arms, his hair a dark brown, his back facing me. After the intial shock passed me I relized what he was cradling in his arms My 4 year old little sister's what seemed to be lifeless body , her head of red hair hanging over his arm like a rag doll with burnt clothing. He turned and looked at me just after he opened the window ready to jump out into the dark .

I  remeber the only words he said, his voice alluring and deep also etched into memory.

" Her heart beats."

  I watched him jump into the night leaving with Caroline leaving me alone in our burning home. I screamed, and ran towards the window trying to get her back, sorrow and grief becoming one with me. To this day I still cant remeber how I'd managed to get outside my house, I only can recall seeing myself when I close my eyes out on the grass, wretched sobbs escaping my raw throat making my body heive and convulse. The worst feeling of grief and hatred for myself for not grabbing her from his arms when I had the chance and the Ocotopian had been standing there. Still I blame myself for letting him take her from me.

" I'm back in my little room" I said in reminder to myself " She's gone, you need to move on with your life" I thought, but that was easier said then done.  My mind was still torturing myself with my thoughts and biggest failure I closed my eyes, the silent tears memorizing the lines of my face again, the taste of salt on my cracked lips from dehydration. I sat on my little bed in the ground for a good  few minuites Anthony quite beside me, giving me time to recover from telling him my biggest secret . In that moment he gave me of silence I prayed even though I felt there was no point. I still dont know if she's okay, but I prayed anyway hoping that whoever listened to the prayers up there listened to this one prayer I hope for every night; that who ever had taken her did it in the sole purpse of saving her life.

" Meghan?" Anothy said.

"Yeah?" I replied, my eyes squeezed closed.

"Thank you. Thank you for telling me the truth" Anthony replied.

 I didnt respond for a minuite and just sighed,

"Thank you for listening Anthony."

Anthony was my best friend here. Were living under ground in a cave thats deep in the ground incased in concreate and soil. We call this place the Syne, and refer to it as our home know. Theres 10 of us; Anthony, Christine, Rachel, Andrew, Mike, Zora, Mr. and Mrs. Adams our eldest memebers, Jimmy the youngest and me Megan. It's been 6 years since the invasion and we've been living hear for 5 of thoose years.

I'm really lucky, It was hard to find anyone to trust once the ocotopians invaded Earth but Anthony found me when I was sick from over dehydration and starvation and took me to there home and they all took part in nursing me back to health and for that I owe them my life. The societal collapse from the technology had done its damage and when the Ocotopains came people gave up, many got sick from the radiation they brought with them, and to many to name turned on one another to save themselves, stealing and killing to get food and water or anything to keep warm. Cities were lit on fire, churches and stores. Food was scarce since so many stole from one another and any store people could get into to survive was raided. Anyone the Ocotopians took on this big ship they called "MYCLAH" took never returned and people made there own theories on what happend inside the MYCLAH, none of which had survivors. 

This is my story, My life and my family and I can promise you I will do whatever it takes to protect them and keep them safe even if it means giving my own life. Survival has become any survivors main goal and Earth is no longer ours.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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