John becomes a millionaire in just 10 days. He attracted an abundance of wealth. John's life became a whirlwind of high expectations and high achievement. Whatever he set his mind to, he met with success. He grew wealthy faster than anyone he had ever met. He attracted all the wealth in the universe.
John left the prison-like he had been released like he had discovered a secret method to his mother's imprisonment. He walked out the prison doors to a crowd that cheered his name and his release.
The day the money showed up, John was working at a fast-food place. He was stressed because the manager was making him work too much. He had to stay late and he needed the extra cash. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing noise, like a fly or an insect buzzing. This grew louder and John realized it was someone outside and talking on the phone.
John's confidence was unquestioned. He was the Thomas Edison of his time. He was a genius, the coolest thing to ever happen to the world.
John stench of sweat, dirt, blood, feces, and rotting flesh balled up in his clothes. Layers of dirt and grime on his face and hair.
The smell of watered-down beer mixed with the smell of sweat and other aromas from the kitchen. When he looked outside, he saw a bit of a crowd lingering outside the restaurant. They seemed to be having a good time.
John loved every minute of this whirlwind adventure. He felt his power and his destiny, his deep restlessness, quelled by the assurance that he would succeed.
John's breath smelled like putrid decay, his hands and his skin were coated with the stink of human waste.
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John becomes a millionaire in just 10 days.
Short StoryJohn becomes a millionaire in just 10 days. He attracted an abundance of wealth.