Something in you

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Warning : Bad familly, mentions of bad treatments toward a child. Some semi spoil from the Hawkeye serie.

Notes : Kate is the reader. I decided to write it as if Kate was writing a diary. bold and italics for diary's line and just italics for dialogues, pink for the post-it notes. I also rejuvenate Lila and Cooper but not Nathaniel Barton.

Welcome back...on a new diary...cause I lost the previous one ! It's been a while since I last write, life has been hectic for me. I got fired from school, my credit cards are blocked and I met my favorite superhero ! You might want to know more about me before I introduce you to the great discovery.

My name is Kate Bishop, I'm 16 and I'm the adopted daughter of Derek and Eleanor Bishop. My adoptive father died during the Chitauri invasion which literally broke my mother. Since that day I decided I will become stronger in order to protect what's left of my familly. I practised fencing, archery, and a high amount of martial arts. You probably think my childhood was pretty great, you would be wrong. No one knows even my parents don't.

It all began when I was 7, both of my parents were working really hard and couldn't pay enough attention to me -we had households but they weren't paid to take care of me- so they took me to one of my aunt and uncle -from my mother's side- to pass the time while being surounded by familly and attention. I was going at their home each hollidays and week-end, sometime I would spend an entire semester with them without seeing my parents. At the beginning everything was quite normal, calmness, gentleness and a bit of authority here and there. After some time they began to be mean to me, never physically hurting me -I still went to school I had to be bruiseless- they didn't need to, their words alone could have destroyed me easily if it was not for something or someone. Hawkeye ! I saw him that day during the invasion, I was 10 and I couldn't stop thinking about him eversince. Without him knowing, he was keeping me sain, the thought of him alone made me stronger than ever. He was the light in the despair of my life and he still is. I always felt some kind of connection with him, someting I never felt for any other avengers or anyone else for that matter.

As the mean talk and daily harrassment weren't working they decided to be more cruel. Each time I did something that displeased them -I think my mere presence displeased them actually- they had the habits of locking me in the cellar without light, food, drink and chamber pot. When this was not enough they had me strip naked and do all the chores while watching me, -don't worry nothing sexual has ever happened to me, they were mean but not that mean- I couldn't defend myself cause I was young and fragile, I couldn't tell my parents they would never believed me. Moreover, since the death of my father, my mother completely abandonned me and her mother's role, so I was still stuck with the other two while in parallel I trained harder to become the person that I am today, strong and independant and free of perpetual humiliations. I had to stay with them until my 14 birthday where I was considered old enough to stay at home alone and do my schoolwork while my mother was at work.

At the age of 16 -some months ago- I asked my mother to be emancipated without telling her the real reason -didn't want to disturb her already trouble mind even if she's getting better an better, especially since she met that new guy Jack- she accepted and so did the judge. Now I Iive alone, free and with a dog who still doesn't have a name.

Now that you're aware of my background, let's get to the real deal...I met Clint Barton, the light of my day, my favorite hero, my favorite avengers !! We're actually working on a case together, we're like partners ? besties ? Whatever it's serious, it's about...

"What are you doing ?" Ask Clint

"I'm writing on my diary, I've got many things to write down."

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