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We're all sitting outside watching the prospects clean up after the party last night when  Hale pulls up in his jeep oh god what did they do now? Another car pulls in a second later before two women in suits as well as Stahl come walking over to us not saying a word. 

"Can we help you?" Asked Clay as all the boys stand up I stay seated

"Yes we need to bring Elle down to the station" Hale says looking over at me

"Why?" Asked Juice standing in front of me

"We just need to talk to her" Stahl says putting her hands up

Standing up I put my hand on his back before coming around him kissing him I go grab my keys and while I do the two woman look around the clubhouse before coming back out, nod then they all get into their cars, I follow them to the station. 

"Would you like anything to drink?" Asked Hale

"Maybe a water please" He smiled down at me before leaving the room

I've known Hale since I was a kid we've always had a good relationship every now and then I think he's flirting with me with maybe even a little crush. Just then the two woman come in with him following behind with my water he sets in down, when the two woman sit down they dismiss Hale. 

"You gonna be ok?" He asks when I nod he leaves the room 

"Hello my name is Janet and this is Irene we're with Child Protective Services you are Elle Montez from Charming, CA, your 22 years of age, you graduated from college early, you are currently engaged to Juan Carlos Ortiz is all this information correct" Janet says looking through a folder before closing it to look at me

"Yes that's all correct but why would Child Protective Services need to talk to me I mean it would be a little late if you think my parents abused me, they're still alive and well so this isn't about my little sister" None of this is making sense

"The reason we've brought you in here today mrs Montez your aware Tuli and James Montez have a ten year old daughter named Anise" Irene started

Tuli and James are my god parents they're my parents best friends but what would this have to do to me.

"What about them?" I ask still confused

"They have passed away in a tragic accident they have left you to be her guardian until the age of eighteen after her grandparents, her grandparents have given up custody of her because they don't believe they can take care of her due to age so if you choose not to take her she will go into Foster Care or a group home" Janet explains

Oh my god my head is spinning how am I suppose to take care of a ten year old who I haven't seen in almost a decade. How could I ask Juice to take this on we're only newly engaged, I'm only twenty two years old I know nothing yet. But what can I do it's not like I can just let her end up in foster care but I don't think I can do this. Why would they put me down as a legal guardian over my parents? 

"We get this is a hard decision to make we'll give you a minute here are the papers please look them over" Irene slipped the papers to me before they stood up leaving the room

Looking over the papers there's a lot of information to absorb this poor girl to lose her parents so young. There's no way I can take her in I can barely take of myself let alone trying to parent a tween. She deserves to go to parents who can love her and give her a bright future who can afford to put her through a good school. When they come back in fifteen minutes later I push back the unsigned documents with a plan in mind. 

"I see you've decided" Janet says looking down at the blank space where my name should've been

"I'm so sorry but I can't be the one to take her in but if you can please hear me out" They nod 

Then I explain how I know a couple who are looking to adopt who've already been approved for Anise's age range they've been struggling for years. They give me a piece of paper and a pen I write down their information then handing it over. 

"Thank you for the information we'll see what we can do you are free to go" Said Irene with a smile

Getting up I headed out into the station but before I can reach my car Hale stopped me,

"How'd it go?" He asked leaning agaisnt my car

"You could have at least given me a warning about them trying to pawn a kid off on me" Anger laces my voice as I climb into my new jeep slamming the door

"I'm sorry Elle" He said backing up

"Ya me to" Turning on the Jeep I speed out of the parking lot

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now