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Hi! I'm Doggo/Jayden! I'm a inner gender person!

I go by She/they!

My sexuality is Polysexual.

I'm 12 years old but don't hate on me for it cause it annoys the hell out of me when getting hate.

I'm dating someone name Axel but I usually call them Robby when talking to my siblings.

My oc's species is a Raccoon Dog with wings.

I like anime, but barely watch it.

I'm a furry and appreciates it a lot by myself and no one can change that.

I play Roblox,Cookie Run Kingdom, and sometimes Minecraft on my phone.

My social medias are TikTok '@'Qu33n.mouse, Instagram ✨Pink Zizzy✨or h0n3yth3sp1d3r, Twitter (@) H0n3ySpid3r or DaRealSpider, and my YouTube is •Crackheaded Spider•🕷, and my Discord is Mommy Zizzy <3#2516.

My Roblox user is pumpkinlovescats1234 but my display name is Jayden.

My cookie run name is SmallCult and I'm in the Pure Vanilla server.

That's all I have about myself right now sorry if this feels like it's to much information.😕

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