Part One

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Chapter One


So I know you want to know why my life is oh so mysterious.Well I’ll get to that in a minute. I’m supposed to go through all the formalities so here goes nothing.


My name is Anna Mayfield and I am dead. Yes D-E-A-D dead. It isn’t my fault though, I suppose it never is unless you commit suicide. It was the government’s fault for stealing me away from my family. From my home. They took everything away from me. I wish I could say I will be fine in the end so if you don’t like books with dead people as narrators than you should probably go. I am dead, there’s no denying it.


Chapter Two

This is no regular book. You know that I know that everyone here knows that. Therefore you should not be surprised if unusual things happen to me. I am an unusual girl, my mother used to tell me so and I completely believe her. That’s probably why I got picked up by the government. Oh well I can’t change my story so don’t ask me to lie to you okay? Thanks. I need a little support being dead and all. Come on Anna tell your story already you yell. Okay I will but just wait one more chapter please. I’m enjoying talking to you. It isn’t often that I get to talk to other people. What do you do in your free time? My old friends used to listen to the radio and surf the internet. I guess it hasn’t changed much in only a year. It feels like an eternity to me though. People tell you that being dead is all that and you are in a better place. Well if there is a better place I haven’t gotten there yet. Currently I’m bored to death. Sorry that was a really bad pun. It’s true though, it sucks being dead I don’t recommend it. Alright, alright I’ll tell you about my mysterious life. Read the next chapter and you’ll see why I’m hesitant to tell you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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