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"mama, how did you meet mommy?!", yujin asks sol excitedly while jumping on the bed.

"I wanna know too", Yeongjin says while pouting.

the little boy runs across the room and plops down on yujin's bed.

"I'll tell you two the story, if you both lay down in your own beds", sol answers standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips.

Yeongjin immediately runs back across the room and quickly gets under the covers, while yujin continues jumping.

"but mama, mommy lets me jump, it's fun", yujin whines.

"if you're jumping i can't hug you", sol points out.

yujin immediately plops down on the bed criss-cross-applesauce.

"Can I sit on your lap mama? please?", Yujin nearly yells.

"but i want to sit on mama's lap", yeongjin says

"i asked first", yujin argues

"But I'm sm-", Yeongjin starts.

"no fighting. you both can sit on my lap", sol says. "unless one of you little ones wants to sit on mommy's lap"

"I DOOOOO", Yujin yells.

the door bursts open suddenly.

"DID I HEAR MY LITTLE YUJIN YELL", an excited Jiwan yells while running through the door.

"MOMMY!", Yujin yells happily.

Jiwan gives Sol a quick peck on the cheek, before walking over to Yujin who is happily standing on her bed reaching her arms out for her mommy, who picks her up and then sits down on yujin's bed while yujin is lying across her.

"Mommy, mama said she'd tell us the story of how you met,'' Yeongjin says happily.

"oh, she did. i guess we better be quiet so she'll start", jiwan says playfully as she boops yujin's nose.

"Mama, come cuddle with me first", Yeongjin demands.

Sol gets in the bed with Yeongjin, who snuggles close to her. Jiwan and Yujin are already cuddled up in the other bed across the room.

"when did you and mama first meet, mommy?", yujin asks

"i thought this was mama's story time",jiwan responds

"You have to tell it together", Yujin says animatedly.

"okay, your mama and i met way back when we were in middle school", jiwan says

"we were both 13 then", sol adds

"Wow you were only 5 years older than me!"Yujin says, holding her hand up to show all 5 fingers extended.

"you're right, Yujin,'' Sol says proudly.

"At the time we were sitting next to each other in school", jiwan says with a smile

"Ooo!" Yujin exclaims happily.

"I thought Jiwan was a little annoying at first. I was focused on studying and Jiwan was interruptive because she couldn't stay still", Sol adds with the hint of a smile on her lips.

"I still can't stay still, just like my little yujin", jiwan says while she and yujin have both started building with blocks on the floor.

"Very true! Jiwan was very set on becoming close to me and joined the art club to be able to spend time with me", Sol narrates.

"I thought only Mama did art", Yujin utters cheerfully.

"Your Mama and I both went to an Art University, Yujin", Jiwan says and proceeds to boop yujin's nose.

"That we did. Back to the art club though. Now Jiwan couldn't really draw at all what-so-ever when she joined and asked me to teach her how", Sol says with a slightly teasing tone.

"Now your Mama is a very good teacher especially when it comes to art hence why she's an art teacher now. I don't have the talent she has for art, but she still taught me so much about it. Which is how I managed to get into art school", jiwan states quite seriously.

"Mama, you should teach me art!" Yujin exclaims while jumping up and down excitedly.

"Of course, sweet-pea,'' Sol says sweetly. "Now that's when I got a crush on your mommy. I didn't think there was any way Jiwan wasn't straight so I hid my feelings the best I could and tried to care about her as a friend".

"I got a crush on your mama at a similar time but I hadn't realized it was anything more than wanting to be really good friends with her. It wasn't until we were in university that it finally hit me", Jiwan adds.

"Your drunk confession, remember", Sol says while giggling slightly.

"Well I confessed to your mama while I was drunk one time. She started distancing herself from me because she thought I didn't really feel like that", Jiwan says.

"But then you both said you loved each other and got married", Yujin says with vigorous hand movement.

"Well it didn't go quite that fast, but yes we eventually made up and started dating. Then we moved to the US to get married after University.", Sol says, smiling widely.

"And then you adopted me and Yeongjin and we lived happily ever after", Yujin exclaims.

"So now me and Yujin have a mama and a mommy that love us lots and tell us bedtime stories", Yeongjin says with an adorable pout.

"Yes, now we have each other", Sol says.

"And it's not exactly happy ever after, but it's everything we could hope for", Jiwan says playfully.

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