Jurassic trouble

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There is a world a world called each 65 million years ago a massive amount of creatures died these creatures are well Known as dinosaurs and if we're not careful we will be before them, welcome to Jurassic World.

Claire: are we ready Owen?
Owen: Claire if I said yes I would be lying.
Claire: well be ready to move these dinosaurs on the ship they will die if we aren't ready.
Owen: ok ok.
Claire: good.
Jeff: hey Claire, go get ready.
Claire: I'm telling Owen to be fast.
Frank: uhh,Claire?
Clair: yes?
Frank: there's a problem with the irritator
Claire: what is it?
Frank: he escaped and ate a guy
Claire: oh no...
Frank: yeah.
Claire: frank?
Frank: yeah?
Claire: behind you!
Frank: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Claire: Owen, get the gun!
Owen: what the-
Claire: go get the gun Owen!
Owen: okay fine
Frank:AHH! Hurry up!
Jeff: What is going o-,ok im gonna go this way
Claire: Jeff help us!
Jeff: no ima go on a speed boat

With what he said, he was running to the speed boat. He didn't want to stick around and see what happened.

Claire: welp he's gone
Owen: Claire....Frank's dead
Claire: ...what?
Owen: I'm sorry...But he's dead..
Narrator: this is the big day dinosaurs get off this island but they won't be used as a good thing a

29 hours have passed since what happened.

Claire: we finally we got the irritator back in its cage!

The red hair woman exclaimed in joy.

Owen: but frank is gone..
Claire: yea that....that pains me to know he is gone...
Owen: sure did..

The dirty blonde man replied with a frown and tears his cheeks.

Claire: Owen I know you and him were friends'.
Owen: yes,and he's gone now..
Claire: do u know where this guy is anyway
Owen: nope
Claire: what's his name
Owen: he is ian Malcolm
Claire: hm ....
Owen : what
Claire: nothing
23 minutes later Ian arrives
The end for part 1 later ill make a 2nd dino story this is my first one so its short sry if u liked it ill make 7 stories☺

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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