-- fluorescent adolescence

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Itto stepped up to the machine, picked the mic up, and let out the most horrible sounds Y/n has ever heard.

'Itto! You're completely tone deaf!' Y/n gasped. 'What do you mean?' Itto screeched back. 'You're singing in the completely wrong key to the song!' Y/n sighed. 'The song is in G major, not E flat minor!'

'I'd like to see you try singing!' Itto yelled, tears forming at the corner of his eyes due to the relentless slander. (save Itto 2022)

'Maybe I will!' Y/n fumed. 'Ill sing deja vu or something.'

'That's so basic!'

'Okay, bubble guppies stan-' Y/n laughed as she punched in the letters. the instrumental started playing.

'Car rides to Malibu'

'strawberry ice cream'

'One spoon for two'

'and trading jackets, laughing bout how small it looks on you'

'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOUR VOICE IS LIKE AN ANGEL'S Y/N' Itto yelled, clenching his heart.

'Oh really?!'



I want to write but the chapters r so short- disappointment.

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