Flowering Love

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  • Dedicated to Kelsey Reutinger

Thy eyes mimic a burnt toast crumb,

Like the antennas upon thy spherical cranium.

Your translucent wings flutter in the springtime air,

Causing a ripple in thy fuzziest of hair.

Landeth on my petals, oh come!

Pollinate me, a budding Chrysanthemum.

Every day I see you pass me by,

My beloved Bumble Bee, my sweet Banana Pie.

Thy affections with Tulip pain me greatly.

I am tortured by thy rejection daily.

Imprison'd by my secret Love,

I stay silent as you ignore me from above.

Landeth on my petals, oh come!

Pollinate me, a budding Chrysanthemum.

Every day I see you pass me by,

My beloved Bumble Bee, my sweet Banana Pie.

Thump-thump! my forsaken heart goes wild.

My emotions betray me like a woeful child.

Thump-thump! thump-thump! I feel myself blushing.

My love for you a mountain, unbearably crushing.

Landeth on my petals, oh come!

Pollinate me, a budding Chrysanthemum.

Every day I see you pass me by,

My beloved Bumble Bee, my sweet Banana Pie.

I watch thee constantly like Edward watches Bella,

Secretly yearning to make you my own fella.

Don't judge me too harshly if you find this letter creepy,

Just please, depart from your Tulip or you shall find me weepy.

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