Chapter 1

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'They will not force us, they will stop degrading us'
My alarm clock sang, I swear to go Matt Belomy you better shut the fuck up and let me sleep. But the music keeps playing.
"Mmmghmmf" I slapped my hand on the alarm clock, I couldn't care less if I was late to school, but something told me today I better get the fuck up. I trudged to my closet and got my black skinnies and my zelda T-Shirt. Stop judging me, its what I wear and everyone else seems to damn like it. I may be a nerd, but I am the schools bag girl.
And by that I mean: I piss off nearly all the teachers, All the guys have a crush on me, I can say whatever I want and nobody can do anything, Ive been in a few fights, School is a playground for me yet I get moderately good grades. They cant expell me because lets just say my dad is a very, very powerful man. I come on days when Im suspended too, they cant stop me. They most they can do is detention and most of the teachers never bother. I get us out of homework and stuff, so everybody loves me. I put on dark eyeliner and my converse and headed out to door. Not before fluffing my fringe of corse.
I walked to school, because my mum wont let me get my license. Said 'I would raise to much hell' which she was probably right. On the way I saw that three houses down there was a moving truck, I ignored it though. I was finally at school and opened in to all of the fimilar faces. When I walked down the hall I got lots of 'Hi' and 'Hey's but ignored most of them, high-fiving some people and winking at others. I knew and talked to everybody, even the shy kids. I made my way to my first class and nearly everone was there already. I took my seat in the back. It was science so there was a double partners table. I was partners with- Brad. My ex boyfriend and schools bad boy. Considering that we are broken up he will most likely switch with someone, or ask the teacher to be moved. What he doesnt know is the revenge I plan, im not sad really, im mad. Brad took his seat beside me and a new kid walked in. He was fairly cute with straightened brown hair and brown eyes with a tan complexion.
"Class, this is Dan, he is new so would anyone like to be his partner?" Mrs Brown announced. I stood up and rolled me eyes.
"Actually, Mrs. Brown, Brad and I havent been getting along so I will be Dan's partner" I smirked down at Brad who gave me an 'are you serious' look.
"Great! Now, Brad you can be partners with Missy" Mrs Brown said. Good, his slut. We all quietly moved seat and Dan sat beside me.
"Im Dan, but you already knew that." He smiled. He glanced over to Brad who had his arm around Missy's waist. "Sleazy bastard" he mumbled. I smirked.
"Sleazy bastard? Dan I like you already. I'm Summer. Wanna sit together at lunch?" I asked, I needed a new friend and I wanted to know why he hates Brad. We have to same people in every class.
"Your name is Summer? But you're so...." Dans eyes trailed my body.
"Dark?" I answered and he nodded. The only thing that wasn't black on my was my pale skin. I had black hair, black clothes and shoes, and black eyeliner surrounding my blue eyes. I smiled.
"Thank you. I could say the same about yourself. So is that a yes at lunch?" He nodded. He was wearing a Game of thrones shirt and black skinny jeans with white hightops. The first two classes flew by until the third class. The teacher who always gives me shit, Mr. Foglesong. I sat in my seat and when Dan had no where to sit I made someone get up for Dan. I kicked my feet back and gestured for Dan to do the same. He do so and Mr. Fogledick scolded him. "Daniel, feet off the desk!" He yelled.
"Uh-uh-uh!" I shook my pointer finger.
"I will get the princible!" Foglesong warned and Dan looked full of fear and shook him head at me.
"My father is the princible, thank you! I can get the princible and I can get you fired." I said, the same excuse as always but it shuts them up. I stood up and slammed my hands on his desk and he flinched. "Im at higher power than you, Mr fogledick, so I say his feet stay on the desk right?" I said and he nodded. "Good" I walked back to my desk and the whole class stiffled giggles.
Now, im not particularly scary to 40-year-olds but when you can get fired with a few words and a 'Pwease Daddy' you should be scared.

Authors note

Hey! So if you want you can vote and stuff but if you are extremely dense: Summer is a bad girl who is also a Daddy's girl and gets anything she wants. Her dad actually olays favorites and listens to anything she says. He favors her and her friends over anyone else, even teachers.

The Bad Girl•Dan Howell [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt