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I looked at the door which dad has locked an hour ago. I don't know what to do. He said my foster mom is crying while thinking where I am. I am doomed. I tried to escape but he has made the security more tight. My lil sis, she was staying with her grandma. Dad said me to behave otherwise he will hit me.

'Y/N, dear come breakfast is ready.' I heard my mom say to me as she unlocked the door. 'Oh dear, you look so skinny! Don't worry you omma will feed you a lot of delicious and healthy foods.' I cried as I begged her to leave me. 

'P-please leave me! Let me go, I don't belong here! M-my brothers, my parents are waiting for me!' I sobbed as her eyes darkened. 'You.....YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER! Say one more time that you are not my daughter and I will kill those people who manipulated you!'

I sighed as I thought that it won't be good to argue with them. God knows what they will do to me. They kidnapped me even in that tight security. Then they could also harm my family. I have to obey them and then try to find a way out.

'Okay, I-I am sorry.' I said as she smiled and kissed my forehead. 'I knew it, you will come back to sense soon. Let's go know,' she said as she made me stand up. I winced at the pain on my lower back as she sighed, 'Look what those freaks did to you. I swear I won't spare them!' For a second I was so angry but I had to hold myself back.

The omma, the dad I knew weren't the same anymore. I felt so sad. I thought I would be the happiest after finding my real parents and then I would have 2 dads and 2 moms. But the behavior they were showing made me feel that they were some kind of psychopath.

I looked around the house. They had made new security doors and the main door had a security alarm too. I mentally took a note of everything around since I was not aloud to walk freely. Only one of them will come and take me for supper. And then they will put me back on my room.

I was loosing hope as I wrote on my diary what was happening around me. I had some diaries on my cupboard. They didn't touched that so my diaries were safe. I started to write diary for a long time. 'Is Jungkook oppa okay?' I said as I sighed. I sometimes feel too sad which made me think if my twin was maybe sad but at the same time I was sad too. So I don't know whose emotion is flowing through me....


Jungkook looked at everyone. He lost his sense when he heard of Y/N being his twin. He just came to senses and asked if that was true or he just dreamed of this. Jin and Jimin consoled him as he asked for an explanation from his parents and his brother too.

After explaining him everything, Jungkook's parents also got to know how did Y/N found about this. Jungkook sighed as he looked at the clock on his phone. He saw the date. It was 26 August. Only a few days left for his birthday. Then it clicked him. If Y/N was here then they would've celebrated their first ever birthday together.

He suddenly thought how would it be if Y/N was always there with him. He and his twin would've gone to school together. They would prank on their older brother. They would've shared a bedroom with half blue and half pink. He would've played girls games too if she wanted. He would've made sure she wasn't bullied in the school. He, Y/N and their brother would've played on the sand of the beach together. They would've made a perfect family.

He suddenly thought about the moment he said he didn't wanted any siblings anymore. He could feel a pang on his chest as he thought how his twin must've felt. All this details was too much for him too handle in one go. He sighed.

'What happened?' He flinched as he came out of his thoughts. 'Nothing omma. I was thinking what it would be like if Y/N was with us now. My- ....Our birthday is coming in a few days. I just wish we could find her as soon as possible. I want to spend our first birthday together.'

Everyone looked at him sadly as Jung-hyun said, 'We will find her kook. I will find her! She......she didn't deserved it!' Everyone sighed as the doctor came and said visiting hour is over. They bid their goodbyes before walking away.....

Jungkook thought about those moments when he thought about the time PD nim was firing Y/N. How she was pleading him to support her. How she would call her oppa eve though they didn't got along. He made his mind to give her all love he could after they find her. He just prayed that she would be okay....

???'S POV

I injected her the medicine as I smirked. I also gave her the dose twice today. With her medicines and some mixed on her juice. 'You will be just like I wanted. Don't worry. You will never ever want to go back to those Jeons. You belong to us..' I laughed as I saw her dad said those words. 

'This will keep her to us right?' Her mother said as I nodded. 'Yes, this will. More than anything. We should bring her lil sister too.' I said before walking out of her room. Y/N and Jungkook were needed for this job! I was the one who said to them to take Y/N and made a false report about Y/N being dead to the Jeons. Why do those Jeons have to appear now! But now I have no worries. I will go on with my tests which I have doing for a long time.....


T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now