Burning wishes (part 1)

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Drake's P.O.V

The three of us rush to the door leading to the main area. Once I open it, smoke starts filling the room. I inhale it by mistake and start coughing. Mike coughs a few seconds after. Looking past the door, I see the main area in flames; the tables, the stage, everywhere!, I just stare at the flames with my eyes wide.

"The fuck happened here!?" Mike asks, coughing right after.

"My money goes to one of the animatronics." I say. I look up at Springtrap, who's looking at the burning pizzaria with a horrified look on his face. Then the night Springtrap told me about his dream flashes in my mind, and I stare in horror.

"No, no no no." Springtrap mutters over and over.

"We have to get out of here!" Mike shouts, snapping us out of our daze.

"How? The entire pizzaria is burning to the ground. There's no way to escape!" I shout back.

"Call the fire department!" Mike says. I teach for my phone on my pocket and call the fire department, even though I know they might not get here in time.

"Fire department-"

"THERE'S A FIRE AT FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA!" I shout, interrupting the person I'm calling.

"We'll be right there!" He says before hanging up. I cough some more.

"They said they're on their way." I manage to say between coughs.

"They're not gonna make it in time." Springtrap mutters.

"Then we have to find a way out of here!" I say. Without thinking, I grab my bag and run into an open spot in the fire, looking for some way to get out of this place.

"Drake! What the fuck are you doing!?" I hear Mike scream. I look around the main area desperately, until I find an open path to the front door.

"There's a clear path leading to the door! Follow me! Quick!" I shout. Once I feel Mike and Springtrap close, I grab both of their hands and start dragging them through the flames to the front door. Just as we get to the stage, I notice the all of the animatronics laying on the ground, glitching and twitching and burning. For once, I feel sorry for them.

"Drake! Why did you stop!?" I hear Mike shout from behind me. I shake my head and continue running to the door, weaving between burning tables.

"We're almost out! We're almost out!" I say repeatedly.

"LOOK OUT!" Springtrap shouts pulling me backwards. I land on the ground and a second later, a bit of the roof falls right in front of me, blocking the door. I back away and scramble onto my feet, holding on to Springtrap like my life depended of it, which it kinda does.

"Shit, thanks Springtrap." I say to him.

"Thank me when we're out of this burning building!" He says looking for another way to go. Me and Mike start coughing again and I notice Springtrap looking down at us concerned.

"We'll be fine Spring." I assure him, before weaving through burning tables and making my way to the back door. The puppet said it always remains unlocked for the nightguards to have a chance to escape. I motion for Mike and Spring to follow me and they do. Dodging a few collapsing bits of the roof, we make it to the back door. I push down the handle and try to open the door, but it doesn't open. It's locked!

"The door won't open!" I say.

"What!? I though the puppet said that this door always stays unlocked for the people in this place to be able to escape!" Mike says angrily.

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