What are Some Effective Maintenance Tips for First Time Swimming Pool Owners?

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Nowadays, people are looking for an alternate mode of amenities in their home that not only helps in distressing them but also keeps them fit and healthy. This is where the importance of having a swimming pool in their home has been realized by the majority of individuals.

Swimming pool not only increases the aesthetic appeal of your property but also provides you with an opportunity to indulge in some vigorous exercise which will keep you fit and healthy and will also distress you after a tiring day. Besides that, spending some time by the pool after a tiring day is itself rejuvenating.

However, having a swimming pool on your property only increases your responsibility. The swimming pool needs to be maintained properly so that you can use it whenever you want. The water in your pool needs to have the right combination of chemicals that maintain its pH.

Most of the time first-time swimming pool owners find it really tough to maintain their pool and eventually the water quality deteriorates and makes it unusable. Here in this article, we will discuss some effective tips that will help first-time swimming pool owners maintain their pool with ease.

Maintain the pH balance

The pH balance of the water in your swimming pool is very important when it comes to maintaining your pool. If the water is not having the right balance, then it will be corrosive or scale forming. Both of these situations are going to cause health problems as well as damage the swimming pool equipment.

Proper sanitation of the water is very essential as untreated water is the best place for bacteria and viruses to breed and these can trigger some serious infections like poliomyelitis and meningitis. While maintaining the chemical balance of your pool you need to keep three things in mind that is pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness.

However, make sure to test your water first before you go on adding chemicals to the water. There are many test kits available that help you test the pH balance of swimming pool water. You can also seek the assistance of professionals for maintaining your pool.

Filter the water

The filtration system of your swimming pool should be top-notch as this plays a vital role in preventing the entry of dirt and debris into the water. The entry of dirt and debris contaminates the water and this leads to the growth of bacteria in the water.

The filtration system works in tandem with the water pump to provide you with crystal clear water. Without the proper functioning of the filtration system, the water in your pool will deteriorate and you might find suspended solids in the water.

The suspended material includes dust, pollen, mineral salts like calcium and magnesium, algae and other organic substances that cloud the water. The pump is the most important part of the filtration system and must be inspected regularly.


There are certain steps that you need to take proactively to maintain the cleanliness of your swimming pool. You need to empty the skimmer basket, scoop out the leaves from the water, scrub out algae from the side of the pool, and vacuum dirt and debris from the pool.

All these activities are extremely important for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the water in your pool. The regular and will ensure that you can use it anytime you want. As a new swimming pool owner, it will be difficult for you to carry out all these tasks.

You can always outsource the maintenance of your swimming pool to competent professionals who will clean the pool and will also inspect the equipment of your swimming pool.

Use covers

The covers you are going to use in your pool must also be clean and this is a major factor that people forget to check. There are various types of pool covers available ranging from winter pool covers to safety covers and automatic covers.

The swimming pool covers not only protect the water from getting dirty, but also maintain the chemical levels of the water prevent your pet & kids from falling inside and maintain the temperature of the water in the pool. Get a good cover for your swimming pool.


The above-discussed factors are some of the proactive steps you can take as a new swimming pool owner to maintain your swimming pool. Most of the time people tend to procrastinate the maintenance work of their pool and this only makes things worse. Be proactive when you are going to maintain the quality of your swimming pool.

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