You know the tiktok. Thereis many differend videos. Some videos are a kinda like umm..Two kids are outside the stalk, that is, THE LONELY DRINKERS IF THE PEPSINAX!!!
And other videos someone can quite well describe their own defecation. But in my situation i have my grandma sitting in the toilet and she has very long flashers AND... Killuas phone vibrates, Gon is trying to call him😌 WHAT NOW!!? Killua yelling to Gon to the other end of the wire. I just killed a big honeycomb. There is too much snoring bugs like you🙄Come to get me out of there!!!I CHÄNTTT I HAVE A BIG LINEAGE COMPLINENTS, WHY GON SAYS" I maybe found my grandma in tiktok making videos on the sittoilet. But Killu is with her, or you saud that you called on 020202 and someone wanted take care about our little Killu. Are you Killua sure that she did not put the cat in the toilet bowl. OUSHEEEESSHHGH GON SHE MIGHT BE A INFLUENSER IM IN SHOK. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL KILLUA HAVE SHE EXPOSED TO INFLUENZA!?? NO GON IT MEANS THAT YOU ARE A INFLUENCER NOR INFLUENSA!!! AND DOES SHE DO ONLYFANS KILLUA TO MAKE YOU HAPPY AND TO GET YOU FOOD TO LIVE IN THE EARTH!!?? I DONT KNOW JUST CALL HER! FINEEEEEEEE. What if our only sunsinelight Killu gät is not live good? Because you remember when Hisoka get our to his care and took our somevwhere because aall of Leorios money balance. And your grandmother looks likea quite hisocraticif if you didnt knew that already. SO I HAVE EXPLAIN TO WHY YOUR GRANDMOM PUT THE GÄT ON THE TOILET AND WOULD PULL IT...KILLUA WAS WORRIED MORE THE MONEY THAN HIS GÄT BUT GON WAS REALLY SERIOUS WHAT WOULD THEY DO TOGETHER WHENT THEY DONT HAVE SAME OPINION IN THE EVENTS. Killu GÄT WAS DROUNING INDESCRIBEABLE EMPTINES...