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A/N my first poem dedicated to @Robin_Mcbride, this actually won a poetry competition at my school, thank you for telling me to try it! It was fun to write :D

I walked down the path.

Small flakes of ice and snow descended softly.


I tried to remember the last time I could hear the sounds.

And came up blank.

Melancholy enveloped my atmosphere, and I suddenly stopped.

In front of me, a small pool of water cut across the path, a splash of reflected color.

Reflected in the tiny expanse of water was the night sky.

Highlighted by beams of moonlight, enveloping, and covering its surface with a scatter of stars, the pale blank face of the moon and the protective arms of the oak trees, reaching over the dark sky scape of... unknown.

A cool winter breeze bit through my clothes, causing me to shiver and stirring ripples in the tiny body of water.

And for a second, I imagined a little boat, traveling its expanse, braving the waves.

I stood there, for who knows how long, seconds, minutes, hours, infinity, it didn't make a difference.

My imagination ran wild, connecting the stars, creating images, stories.

I imagined Artemis, in her full splendor, riding her shining white chariot pulled by deer across the heavens.

Stars changed to musical notes, as a melody appeared, changing the constant silence with its sing-song voice.

The notes formed to follow my ideas, changing to fit like a background music to each of my thoughts.

Then I imagined the sunrise, colors dashing across the sky in a spectral play, causing shadows to dance around like fire.

Then lightning, crashed across the sky, flashing the shadow's dark shapes as a storm grew.

The tone of the music adopted a note of urgency.

Then it suddenly stopped.

The music stopped suddenly, syncing with the end of the storm, only a drizzle remaining in my mind, ferns growing under the rains soft welcome.

I smiled.

A small flash across my face.

A small glimpse of joy.

Something that came when no one was thinking of it.

Something everyone should have.

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