The Boy With The Mask

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A/N: Hey guys. Just a quick FYI, this is a smut which is intended for mature audiences. So if any of you are young and not yet tampered with by the gates of smutty hell, get out of here cos I'm not responsible for tarnishing your young minds. But if you're like me and have grown up tarnished by the harsh reality of life and don't give a fuck then keep reading, by all means. Also, I doubt this will even happen, but Danny, if you're reading this, don't complain that this story is a smut, you tell us to write smut, you will get smut.

POV: You're best friends with the one guy at school who everyone has a crush and he always wears a mask to hide his face and only you have ever seen him without it but he is also a British gentleman from the 1800s.

"Y/N, it's time to wake up!".

I wasn't fully awake, but I could hear my step mother's dulcet tones yelling at me from the bottom of the staircase. They were muffled, but clear enough for me to comprehend. I opened my eyes slightly only to be flash banged by the sunlight searing through my window. I live in an apartment complex in the middle of the city and there is a beautiful view of the city from my bedroom so I don't usually close my curtains on a night. The only downside to that is that I am becoming more and more visually impaired due to the sun being invasive every morning. I sat up in bed and I scratched the back of my head, looking around my room, trying to grasp the concept of being awake so early in a morning once again. I met eyes with myself in the mirror in front of my bed, scaring me mostly conscious. I swear, getting mirrors in front of my bed was probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I pulled the sheets from my legs and I got out of bed. I stretched, my arms high in the air, my legs, only just supporting me. I stumbled to the bathroom and I brushed my teeth and my hair. I did my makeup, and I made sure it wasn't noticeable. I walked to my wardrobe and I pulled out my uniform that I haven't worn since 3 months ago. For the last 3 months, I've been on school vacation. My one and only friend Danny ran off to Japan for the whole summer, leaving me here by myself, to deal with my step mother. But finally, I would see him again after three months... to kick is ass and ask him why the hell he didn't smuggle me in his suitcase to Japan with him. I got changed into my uniform and then I brushed through my hair once again before walking over to my desk and getting all of my books ready for the day. I walked out of my room, locking the door behind me so my step mother wouldn't be able to go in and snoop around behind my back. I walked into the living room where my step mother was sitting, in her most comfortable clothes, bowl of cereal in hand, watching her favourite soap opera on the TV. I made my way to the front door as to try not engage in conversation with my step mother.

"Aren't you even going to say hi to me?" I heard her ask from behind me as I sighed, holding onto the wall for support as I crammed my feet into my trainers, "you've ignored me all summer and now you're going back to school like nothing happened?" she asked as I heard her stand up from the sofa, gradually getting closer and closer to me.

I turned around to look at her as she walked over.

"I know you hate me but I'm still your step mother, so shouldn't you at least say hello to me in a morning?" she asked, trying to intimidate me.

"Hello!" I said nonchalantly as I picked up my backpack from the front door.

"Why do you hate me so much? It's not like I killed your mother" she said as I sighed, trying to keep myself calm, "you and your brother are the exact same. But it doesn't matter to me, since your father likes me so much!" she said as I grabbed one of the fake family photos off the side of the cabinet and I threw it on the floor, the glass shattering into pieces.

My step mother stared at me for a few seconds before striking the right side of my face. I scoffed as I looked at her.

"If father loves you so much, why do the two of you sleep in separate beds?" I asked as I opened the apartment door and I walked out.

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