On the run Chapter one

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"DAMN RAIN!" Kallie exclaimed as another car went by and soaked her with a wave of water. its been two years since she had run away and she wasn't about to give up now and go back to that hell hole. soaked and shivering, she stopped by her ally way and looked back at the street to see if anyone was watching. carefully but slowly , she kicked in the door to the warehouse kallie now lived in. once inside she wedged the make shift door back in . "Ugh!" She said as she sat down on her sorry excuse for a bed.

Turning beside her to empty her back pack she started to put things away. from today's "wonderful" adventures, she had collected 1 box of crackers, 5 batteries, an old fall jacket, and a box of leftover Mc Donald's fries. sighing, she hungrily devoured the fries and put on the jacket over her frail yet skinny body. it was in surprisingly good condition for being in a dumpster for however long.

For The next couple of minutes, kallie sat there debating wether to go to sleep or not. Eventually the exhaustion won her over, and she covered herself in tattered old bankers she'd collected over the years.

I will try to update often I don't really know where in going with this soooooooooo yah

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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