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It was the 18th of December and you and Sherlock were having a gingerbread house contest.

It was snowing outside and it was quite late.

Yours look disgusting, he said

Mine? Have you seen yours? It looks like a 5year old made it, you said jokingly

Sherlock was very competitive and was a sore loser as you've come to learn after spending some time with him.

When John comes you'll see, he won't even be able to look at it for more than 1 second, that's how bad it looks

Sherlock shut up before I throw this in your face, you said

Whatever  he said continuing to decorate the gingerbread house 

You tried to peek a glance behind you to see what his looked like but you were stopped

Back off! That's cheating, he said angrily 

Chill, I was just trying to see what yours looked like

You've only glanced at it for a second but he was right, his house did indeed look better than yours.

An idea suddenly came to you.

Sherlock, you said giving him a hug while he put some icing

W-what do you want

Your love, won't you give me some? That's not nice of you

I-you're just trying to make me fail my-

No, I'm just trying to give you some affection, you said softly

He couldn't resist and hug back

Thank you, you said, before pushing his Magnus opus off the table and running away

Y/N!!, I'll kill you! he screamed running after you

You went to your bedroom and tried closing the door but he was too fat.

You'll regret this, he said before tickling you

You tried to get away from his hold but couldn't

After a few minutes of torture, he stopped and put you in bed.

Never mess with my work of art ever again, he joked

You and sherlock ended up sleeping in each other arms till the next morning

before you fell asleep, you heard Sherlock whispering to himself:

I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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