𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫 - 𝐫

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date : 09/01/22
title : green is not your colour
fandom : westside story (2021)
pronouns : she/her
TW : minor injury, smoking, drinking (minimal mentions)

plot summary : after baby john gets nailed in the ear by one of the sharks, y/n offers to patch him up. leaving riff very jealous.

y/n was perched on the remains of a building, it was a little stump of brick and rubble. she had one leg crossed over another, the dark denim of her worn out jeans tight around her thighs. it wasn't exactly comfortable but she looked cool. intimidating. diesel who was sat next to her elbowed her in her ribs, an unlit cigarette between his fingers. she sighed, pulling a lighter from her pocket. she flicked it open with a click and lit the boy's cigar as the police car pulled up at the demolition ground. diesel nodded at her in thanks, taking a drag. lieutenant shrank clambered out of the car with officer krupke in hot pursuit. y/n stood up, brushing the dust of her jeans. diesel slung an arm round her shoulders. she took the lit cigar from his lips. taking a long, drag from it and then stomped it out on the concrete.

"what'd you do that for?" he grumbled, in a low, hushed voice.

"it was me or him" y/n replied, gesturing to lieutenant shrank, who had a tight grip on baby john's shoulder. baby john looked terrified.

"now, do you wanna tell me which one of these bloodied you up" shrank said, mostly to john but loud enough so the rest of the jets could hear. the group began murmuring. a chorus of questions flooded the air. shrank twisted baby john, showing the jets his fatality. he had a nail jammed into his ear, sticking a little into his neck. y/n and diesel grimaced in unison.

"so, who was it" shrank questioned further. baby john just kept his mouth shut. just as the jet boys had taught him. shrank didn't get an answer no matter how much he tried. after lecturing both gangs, shrank and krupke walked back to the car.

"wait officer, i've got a question" riff said, stepping forward. he had a cigar hanging from his lips. shrank turned on his heel.

"how tall were you before you shrank" riff said, deadpan. not a glimmer of laughter gracing his features. y/n bit her lip, holding back a giggle. shrank walked away with a huff. shortly after the cops left, the sharks followed chanting a song and as they did the people in the streets erupted into applause. everyone had left the jets in the rubble. y/n tossed diesel her lighter knowing he was going to ask her eventually. he acknowledged her, claiming it was like she had read her mind. she then sauntered over to baby john with a smile. he was sat cross legged by himself. she lowered herself down and sat beside him.

"hey y/n" john sniffled.

"hey kid, you in pain?" john nodded. y/n stuck her bottom lip out with sympathy.

"let me help you" y/n said, placing a hand on his knee gently. she pulled the bandana from her hair, it was supposed to be white but it had become a grimy grey colour from the amount of times she had worn it. she also waved at ice; getting him to toss her a bottle of alcohol. she caught it in one hand, popping the cap with a ring on her finger. she took a swift swig, not making a face as the liquid burned the back of her throat.

"this is gonna sting like a bitch kid, you ready?" she asked baby john before she did anything. he nodded, very clearly anxious. she took a deep breath, pinching to flat top of the nail with her fingertips.

"on the count of 3...1...2..." and with that she yanked the nail from his skin, rapidly placing the bandana against the wound. baby john yelped in pain, causing the other jets to look over from their conversations. riff looked over at his girlfriend. she wasn't facing him but he could see the expression on her face. it was one of apologies and adoration. he watched her intently as she pulled the blood stained bandana from baby john's neck; folding it over and soaking it with the alcohol in the brown bottle ice had tossed her minutes before. she rang it out slightly before dabbing it against the wound. baby john gripped at her leg in agony. she used her unoccupied hand to smooth out the kinks in his hair and brush the tears from his face. she sat with him for a moment, talking with him, distracting him from the pain.

"you good baby john?" she said about to get up from her seated position. riff knew everyone called him baby john but coming from her it sounded different. it sent his stomach funny. baby john nodded, thanking y/n. she picked up the bottle as she stood up.

"no problem kiddo" she reached out with one hand, helping the boy up. they both dusted themselves off and went their respective ways. riff was now sat on the remains of an old building, a cigarette smouldering between his lips. she approached him, knocking back the rest of the alcohol she had previously used as antiseptic.

"hey you" she said, sitting beside riff. he didn't say anything, just puffed the smoke from his lungs into the air.

"you mad or something?" she asked. again there was no answer. he was definitely mad about something.

"okay you stubborn piece of shit, you really wanna play this game" she chimed cockily. it took everything in riff not to break out into a smile. everything she did made him want to grin. she moved to kneel between his legs so she could look up at his face.

"the fight, the sharks, the idea of losing your territory" she began reeling off possible things that could be grinding her boyfriend's gears.

"shrank, tony, baby john" the moment the latter left her lips, his face fell into an emotion of anger. like the image of y/n and john was flooding his mind.

"ahh, so it has something to do with john huh?" riff took a deep breath through his nose.

"wanna tell me or am i gonna have to pry it out of you" she said, moving her hands up to his thighs.

"jealous" he muttered.

"what was that?" she questioned, finally getting somewhere.

"jealous" he said louder but that only she could hear it. he put the cigar to his lip, when the girl in front of him began to giggle.

"don't laugh, i'm serious" he claimed. that was something he'd picked up from tony.

"oh riff, green is not your colour" she crooned, plucking the cigar from his fingers. she put the lit cigarette between her lips and took a deep breath. breathing in the smoke and taste of riff's lips. she then blew the smoke from her lungs and stubbed out the cigar. riff was staring dumbfounded at the girl in front of him. her hands reached up to cup his face. her fingers smelt like smoke and alcohol. the pads of her fingertips grazed his cheekbones. the urge to melt into her touch overwhelmed him but he stayed rigid. keeping up that stubborn exterior that y/n never failed to break through. y/n moved her body propping herself up, so her chest was flush with riff's. her hands still resting against his skin. they were so close by this point, close enough for y/n to feel riff exhale shakily. closing the gap, y/n pressed her lips to riff's. the smell of smoke and taste of liquor intermingled with each of their personal scents. riff smelling vaguely of weed and paint. y/n smelling slightly fresher than the man who had finally decided to move his hands. his arms had moved to hang over her shoulders, hands tugging lightly at her hair. riff's kisses were relentless. it was bliss in the moment and a battle to pull away. but they did reluctantly.

"you're an idiot" y/n whispered, sitting back on her heels. riff cracked a smile.

he truly was.

a/n : guys...i'm back and i'm still in love with mike faist <3

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