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Jungkook was now discharged from the hospital. Sadly he had to work with his music even if he didn't wanted to right now. The doctor said that he can dance like he could before but for the first few weeks, he shouldn't do anything which can cause him physical pain.

BTS members started to work on music which won't have any dance. They decided to produce songs which's MV won't have any dance. Jungkook's father hired a detective to find out about Y/N. But the police found out that it was Mr. Lee, Y/N adoptive father who kidnapped her.

Today is 31 August. The police will be visiting his house tomorrow. Jungkook and his family will also go there. The rest of the members had to stay on the dorm since PD nim said so. Jin and Yoongi wanted to come but couldn't say anything to Bang SI Hyuk.

'Jungkook, you should eat something.' Jin said.

'I will hyung. Let me finish this part.'

Jin and Hoseok who were there sighed before looking at the clock. It was past 11 o'clock.

'You have to take you medicines too! Eat something fir-'

'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear JK, happy birthday to you!!~'

The rest of the members burst inside the room as they sung birthday song and Taehyung came forward with a cake. Jungkook looked at them with emotionless eyes. He then sighed as he pushed the cake away.

'I won't celebrate my birthday until I find Y/N! Please leave me ALONE!!!'

Everyone froze on Jungkook's sudden outburst. They weren't in the mood too. They only wanted him to not stress to much. They wanted to pretend that nothing has happened.

'We know that you are sad, frustrated and want to see your twin whom you never knew ever existed. But you should have patience Jungkook. A minute ago you were behaving bad with her, you were yelling at her for being just like you. You were yelling at her when she said that she was afraid of microwaves. You didn't noticed her tears then-'

'Jimin stop! He is already miserable! Don't make him feel more guilty!' Yoongi said as he made Jimin stop whatever he was blabbering.

'Hyung, I only wanted to say that he shouldn't feel like this, insist he should eat more and more to gather energy when he will apologize to her for everything he did, for being a jerk to his twin. He shouldn't shout at us and only focus on work, instead he should think what he will do when he will reunite with his twin.' Jimin said.

Jungkook could feel what Jimin wanted him to feel. He walked towards Jimin and hugged him tightly before he backed off and hugged others too one by one. He took the cake from Taehyung's hand and put it on his table before closing his eyes.

'I wish Y/N and I can reunite today. Please let me shower her with all loves and pranks which I would do when she would be with us. Please be safe for you oppa, Y/Nie.' Jungkook prayed quietly. He then blew up the candles as everyone clapped for him.

After they ate, they went to bed since Jungkook have to go to the Lee's house. They encouraged Jungkook before going to sleep since most of them won't be able to wake up too early in the morning.....


My alarm rang as I opened my eyes. I couldn't even sleep properly. Maybe because of the excitement or because I am too anxious. I stood up and walked to my wardrobe and took out a jeans and a black t-shirt with a black cap to hide my face. I also took a black mask and placed it in the table quietly since Hoseok hyung was sleeping. I slept alone but I don't know why Hoseok hyung said he will stay with me.

I didn't had any problem so I didn't said anything. I changed my clothes and saw my phone vibrated. My dad was calling. I received the call.

'Hello appa?'

'Jungkook-ah, we have arrived. Come downstairs.'


'Don't forget to lock the door. We don't know if the guys are safe or not.'


I hung up and walked away. I saw everyone except Hoseok hyung, Jimin hyung and Namjoon hyung. The guys said they worked too late. I bid my goodbye as Jin hyung locked the door from inside. We were told to do work from home for a few weeks and made a tight security for us after what happened. So some guards were standing in front of the main door and outside of the building.



The police first went to the house with omma and appa. I was told to stay on the park beside the house with 2 bodyguards and a police officer. I wanted to go with them but they didn't let me in. I sighed in frustration as I walked to the nearest seat. I was about to sit when I saw a girl a little far away from me.

I don't know what happened to me but I walked towards her. She was with a woman. They were talking. I inhaled sharply when I heard the woman talk.

'Do you remember how Ara used to steal you foods Y/N.. Hahaha, it was so funny.'

'Really? I thought Ara was a good girl!'


I almost ran towards her as I quickly put my hand on her shoulder and spun her towards me. It was really Y/N!

'Y/N............OH MY GOD Y/N! HOW ARE YOU! T-THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU RIGHT?!' I asked as I looked at her head, hand and other body parts to see if she was injured or not. Tears were forming as I cried and hugged her tightly.

'Oh my god! I missed you so much Y/N!' I sobbed as the guards also started to call the police and my parents who were in the house.

Y/N suddenly broke the hug and pushed me back. 'W-what happened?' I asked.

She looked at me and took a step behind, 'Do I...............know you mister???'



T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now