THE PAST: Part 2- Rogue Ninja vs The Anbu

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It has been weeks since Kashwini has been training with Itachi and Shisui. They even helped her get better at perfecting her new jutsu.

"When you're done perfecting the jutsu, what are you going to call it?" Shisui asked. Kashwini never actually thought about the jutsu name because she was so focused on its actual abilities.

"I'll think about it eventually."

Itachi and Shisui waved to Kashwini and went home. However, she was still training her new jutsu.

"It wouldn't hurt taking a little rest, would it?" She seated herself beside a tree. The seven-year-old's hands were covered with bruises, but she made sure Itachi and Shisui didn't notice, so that she could keep training. She relaxed for another five minutes, when out of nowhere six shinobi surrounded her. One knocked her out before she could even react and before she knew it, she was kidnapped.

Kashwini started to regain her consciousness and realized the situation she was in. She was tied up with rope. By the looks of shinobi's headbands and the cross on it, they were clearly rogue ninja.

"Wh-who are you? W-what do you want from a kid like me?" Kashwini trembled.

"Oh we don't want you kid. We want the power you possess."

"P-power? What do you mean I have no such thing!" Kashwini shouts and tries to break out.

"Awwww, the little girl is clueless," one rogue ninja says. The rest laughed along with him. "Well looks like no one told you, but you might find out as your last seconds approach!" he boasted. "Alright, let's get to it boys!" One rogue ninja starts pulling on her hair, making her yell in agony. Another put a hand on the mark on her neck and started muttering words that no one could quite understand. 

"Let me go!" Kashwini whined. She might have been injured brutally at some points, but this is a feeling of agony that she has never felt before. It wasn't just putting her in pain. It was putting her mind in pain. Tears started falling from her eyes. She was confused, not just about the situation, but about who she was. Was she training for the sake of becoming a great kunoichi? Or was there more to it. She felt as if there was something mysterious that she didn't know about, and was waiting to unlock its secrets.

In a trice, a group of ten with masks on appeared. They held down the rogue ninja firmly as if they were trying to arrest them. Then, one of them picked her up. Kashwini's eyes were blurred with the tears of a child so she couldn't quite tell, but the shinobi wearing a mask seemed to be a man. His hair, silvery white hair, in a sweeping motion through the night sky. Kashwini knew the man was part of the village's anbu black ops like Itachi and Shisui. Although she didn't know who was behind the anbu's mask, she slowly went to sleep. Little did she know that one day they would meet again.

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