Never be alone

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"Elizabeth, I told you from the beginning I didn't want Olivia Pope anywhere near my campaign!" Mellie was furious. She knew there was no way she could have known just how much she hated that woman.

Lizzie had become used to Mellie constantly yelling at her and she learned how to stay calm, "I'm sorry Mrs. Grant. I don't understand why you hate her so much, she actually not that bad and I just thought since she helped your husband get here..."

Mellie abruptly cut her off, "I am the one that got him here! I sacrificed everything for him, all that bitch did was take him away from me." She took a drink before turning around to see Elizabeth's reaction. She giggled at the look of shock on her face, "oh please you can not tell me that you haven't noticed it. It's been going on since the day he got elected... The first time. And ever since its been all 'will they, won't they' Every time someone says Olivia's name it takes Fitz has not to break down and cry. "

Lizzie was speechless. How was she supposed to 'fix' this as Mellie said she was supposed to do, "I'm sorry ma'am, if I would've known I wouldn't have gone to her."

Mellie sighed, "I'll be more clear next time when I tell you not to do something."

She waved her hand signaling Elizabeth to leave.

The next day Elizabeth walked into Mellie's office anticipating a list of things to do as she got from her almost every morning. "Mrs. Grant, what's on today's agenda?"

"Elizabeth why do walk in here everyday expecting me to have what you are supposed to do layed out for you? You are my campaign manager, isn't that your job?"

Liz stood there silent for a moment, "Mellie, what is your problem with me? Why do you hate me? I'm sick of not knowing what to expect when I talk to you. I want to be your campaign manager and I want to help get you to the White House, but I can't do that if you're going to get mad and yell at me nearly every time I try to talk to you!"

The room went completely silent. Mellie had tried everything to burry her feelings, but she couldn't do it anymore. She had let all of it build up inside of her and it had built up for so long that she couldn't push it down any longer. Mellie took another drink, preparing herself for what she was about to reveal. "I had to hate you because I knew the moment I stopped I would start falling for you."

Elizabeth was shocked by Mellie's words. All this time it had never occurred to Lizzie that Mellie could feel anything but hatred towards her. "Mellie I..."

"Save your breath. I know it's stupid and if you don't want to work for me anymore that's fine, just let me know now so I can find a new campaign manger"

She grinned "no, it's just that I've been falling for you since the day we met"

Mellie rolled her eyes and started to storm off, "I don't need you mocking me Elizabeth can you please just be gone before tomorrow?"

Elizabeth grabbed Mellie's arm right before she could reach for the door to leave "Mellie I'm serious."

The blonde put her palm on Mellie's face and pulled it to hers. Nothing could have prepared Mellie for this moment. It felt as if everything and everyone who ever brought her down disappeared.

"I have never met someone quite like you. Deep down I know you are sensitive, and respectful and loyal, but you are also strong and independent. Mellie I'm telling you, together nothing can bring us down."

Mellie smiled thinking about her future with Lizzie, as she did often when she was having a bad day. But up until this point she never dreamed any of it could be real. Up until this point she had been alone in a constant battle with her emotions. Now, she knew she would never be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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