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So.... this is my first one shot plz be gentle with me any way enjoy.....

Sakura stared at the onxy eyed male in front of her with utter shock, her breathe increased, her heart raced in her chest.
" teme!" Naruto whispered from beside her ,sakura felt her heart about to break once she saw a red head girl big sasuke,gripping on his shoulder an pulling his arm to her chest.
Naruto frowned an looked over at sakura he knows that shes hurting an how she still loves sasuke,the moment sasuke uchiha walked through the gates of konoha the pinkette's breathe hitched
"I gotta do something about this !" Naruto thought to himself an grinned. He walked up to sasuke an smirked "great to have you back teme"he smiled glancing at sakura at the corner of his eye
"Hn dobe." Sasuke replied looking at the blonde then at the pinkette he was expecting sakura to throw herself at him an scream how happy she was to see him, but instead she's standing there staring at him. It wasn't until the red head known as Karin hugged him tighter causing his arm to squash against her breasts ,he shivered an pulled his arm away .but karin was a stubborn woman she always gets what she wants she grabbed back his arm an Hugged it again.
Naruto scwoled an turned around at looked at sakura "sakura-chan !you alright ?" He asked as she snapped out of her gaze at the too in front of her,tears threatened to spill " y-yeah naruto am fine " sakura croaked "you want to come meet teme?" He asked, determined to get her to at least get her to talk to him but unfortunately she declined.
" sorry naruto I gotta go tsunade -sama might need me at the gotta go bye " with that being said she walked off a tear rolled down her cheeks aa she walked away from the sence.sasuke on the other hand was shocked. S-sakura the sakura haruno was walking away from him as much as sasuke hated to admit it bit it indeed hurt him then ,he ripped his arm away from Karin an growled at the red head.she purred at sasuke who internally groaned an stepped aside from her . "I'm going dobe see you at the hokages tower"sasuke grunted as he walked away.
Naruto stood there an grinned he maybe the number one knucklehead ninja in the leaf nut he was not dumb to know when someone is falling in love. "Get her sasuke teme before its to late "naruto sighed mentally in his mind. As he lead the others to the hokages office.
Lady tsunade assigned sasuke back to team seven along with sai. The training was awkward for sakura she couldn't look at tje sasuke without seeing Karin clinged on to his arm .she sighed an continued to spar with her sensei " sakura ....what's the matter ?" Kakashi asks noticing her uneasyness.she shrugged "I have no idea wat your talking about sensi " she blankly replied to him as she dodged a attack from him " ooohhhh sasuke !" She heard karins voice cooing sasuke .sakura couldnt help but look over there only to see marine shirt a lil to revealing she gasped but not because of Karin because sasuke was staring right at her,sakura felt the blood swim to her cheeks but Karin jerked his head toward her causing the eye contact to break ,she sighed heavily an got ready to dodge an attack as karin excused herself to only kami knows where ,naruot took that as a opportunity to talk to the teme "sasuke u need to talk to her you know ...tell her how you feel.."he pested the duck styles hair teen "what r u talking about done !" Sasuke aaked as he felt he ears grow hot. Naruto smirked he got him where he wants him. " you better tell her before I go nine tales on your sorry but !" He said in a warning tone "hn" was all that sasuke said
Naruto groaned " you better teme can't you see your hurting her,she still loves you an seeing another girl hug you in front off her is killing her sasuke will give her life for you .she didnt give up on you when you left the village either.....I hate to stay this but the three years is enough pain for her ..just fix it make her happy again I want to see that shine in her green eyes again."naruto said as he got up " make her happy sasuke !...remember sakura will take the hit for you any time ." Naruto said walked away from him,sasuke stared at sakura while she trained
She'all give her life for you any time. Narutos words replayed in his head .an the done was roght he had to make her happy he wanted to see the shine in her eyes again . He was going to get back his cheery blossom one way o another.

The next day
Sakura was currently home doing the laundry it was her day off at the hospital she didnt have time to train she had to take care of things home. She placed the detergent an the dirty laundry in the washer an spinned the switch an walked out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast her plan was to get all the chores done so she can relax .
Sasuke was making his way out of the hospital once he had found out that sakura wasn't there he decided to pay her a visit at home while walking towards her house Karin who popped out of nowhere gripped his arm "hello sasuke kun "she cooed sasuke groaned " why can't she leave us alone annoying "his inner sighed "that's non of your concerned Karin !!!"he growled gos she was annoying him .she still didn't let go of him oh well what he was about to so he couldnt care less if Karin is there or not ! .
Sakura was layed out on the couch following through channels on the say she was bored an couldn't take her mind off sasuke
" give him up saku you know he doesn't like you " her inner said sadly as she continued to stare at the tv "where are we sasuke kun ?" Karin asked as their stood in front of sakuras house. He didnt and jus stepped up the stairs an knocked firmly on the door. Sakura jumped an ram to the door nearly daunting at seeing sasuke at her door she would have smiled if it wasnt for karin by his side "oohh hii sasuke would you like to come in ?" She asked an stepped aside "hn" he said an stepped inside. Karin snarlwd at the pinkette before entering,sakura jus rolled her eyes an close the doors "so...what do ya want sasuke ?" She asked already clearly pissed off . "Well ...umm I wanted to talk to you !"he said an karin gasped "you want to talk to pinky this pinkhaired bitch is morebimportant that me sasuke kun"! Karin said. Sakura felt a vein pop "excuse me you're in my home QN your calling me a bitch why I otta beat your lil....." sakura got cut off when she felt soft warm lips on her own,her eyes grew wide open to see sasuke kissing her she froze didn't konw wat to so! " just kiss him already how long have we waited for this ?" Her inner urged her mind snapped an she pressed back into the kiss earning a scream from Karin. She wrapped her arms around his neck an pulled him closer to her she waited for this soo long an she was not gonna let it go again .saskues tougue invaded her mouth an she moaned into his mouth Karin stomped out the house an cursed on her way out. After wat seems like hours they pulled apart,they stared at each other before sasuke broke the silence "I took the dobe's advise an came to twll you how o truly delt nut i didn't plan on Karin coming........wat am really trying to say sakura is......I love you sakura haruno" he said ,sakura's eyes widen how long she waited fir him to say those three words to her tears of joy trailed down her face as she pulled him into a hug "I love you too sasuke I always have "she sobbed sasuke kissed her jead an Hugged her tight.
He had finally got his cherry blossom to be his an now he's Never gonna let her go again.
The end
I hope you enjoy I'll make more in time schools starts in a week I'll try an post more if i can byeee.

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