𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞|𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝘚𝘔𝘜𝘛🔞

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"Baby, let's do it. Right here." He says, his eyes focused on yours. Your head felt heavy, song coming from the speakers so loud.
"I don't know if it's a good idea.." You stutter, breath hitching when he comes closer to you, whispering;
"Ahh I know you want to baby." Next thing you know, he's taking his hand in yours, swirling your bodies to the melody of music.
"Oh come on Y/N!! You need to go with us! It's her engagement party, everyone's expecting us to come." Your friend shouted from the bathroom, telling you this information the 10th time.
"But I don't want to go. Who celebrates their engagement in the EDM Club anyways?" Moving your leg over the edge of bed, you focused your eyes back onto the screen, continuing away you were doing before.
"Because they're a wild couple, you know how crazy she always was. "
"Just admit it. You're jealous at all of us."
"Why would I be jealous of you guys?" You scoffed, fingers annoyingly tapping through the keyboard.
"Well, we all have marriages, children or relationships.."
"Belive me bestie, I don't envy you. I don't need those. My- "
"Yes, I know. Your career is the most important to you. Spare me with this today please." She cut you off giggling, pooking through the doors.
"Maybe you'll even meet someone tonight.' She winked, smile getting bigger on her lips.
"I'm not goi-" Before you could finish your sentence, she slammed the door behind her. A loud sigh escaped your mouth. Standing up from the bed, you went to find the dress.
"Y/N!! Will you move your ass please?" You snapped out of your thoughts, moving your leg just in time before some drunk dude would fall over you.
"What's wrong with you? You know what, don't tell me... Just try to enjoy tonight. And smile." Your friend instructed, searching for others.
"Yes, I'll try to not seem too bored."
"Thank you." She answered sarcastically, also searching for some bartender to get you something to drink. Cheer up at least.
"Oh my gosh?! You both came aa!"
"Yeah, I convinced Y/N to come hehe!" You turned your head around and before you acknowledged it, your friend 'soon bride to be' jumped into a hug.
"Thank you! Don't worry, tonight will be fun!" She said, sniffing your hair.
"Please stop that.. haha."
"Still the same grumpy Y/N I see." She laughed, parting from embrace. You hearedpeople behind you yell, probably greeting you since you haven't seen them in a long time.
"I have a surprise for you.." She said exictedly, holding your hand and pushing you towards tables.
"I want you to meet someone.."
"Who wants to do shots?!" A man on your left side screamed, almost falling down in the process of trying to fill the cups with vodka, which were scattered on the table before you.
Everyone seemed like they're having fun, getting to know see each other after years.
Well, almost everyone since you were just sitting there, not even enjoying alcohol anymore.
"I knew this is gonna be a disaster. " You said to yourself, not expecting to get an answer.
"At least someone agrees." You heared a voice, coming from behind you. You turned your head to see a new face.
"And you are?"
"Oh sorry. I'm Minho." The new memeber of this chaotic reunion explained, eyeing you from head to toe.
"Minho!! Where were you?" Your friend came, going straight to hug him too.
"Traffic. From the airport to the centre here really took a long because of the weekend traffic."
"Well you're here now-" She smiled, holding to the chair to not fall.
"- So it's okay. I wanted you to meet Y/N." She now pointed at you, letting go of the item which was being the very needed support.
"You remember? When I was telling you about her... and Y/N?! You remember when I told you about him when you came? About some college of mine.."
"Yes, I do. Slow down there." You laughed, standing up to help her sit on your place.
"You've had enough drinks, don't you think so?"
She looked at you, then Minho who's chuckling while watching his friend's clumsiness, then back to you.
"Of course not!" She protested, acting like a little child.
"Yes, Y/N is right. Go easy from now on okay?" He slided closer to her, smiling when she nodded, right after a burp escaping her mouth.
"Now you two better get to know each other pleasee...Y/N loves to dance Min." She winked and giggled and before any of us two could replay, she managed to get on her feet and disappeared somewhere. Laughing, your eyes met his, sparkling because of the neon lights from the disco reflectors.
"Do you mind if we go dancing then?" He asked, causing you to give him a sincere smile before nodding and going after him on the dance floor.
Here you are now, after hours which felt like a couple of minutes, bodies glued together to one another, beats of the songs sending shivers down your spine. His hands on your hips, guiding you to the movements not known even to him. Sensations too much for both of you to control now, lights creating the rainbow lines in the air. Atmosphere getting thicker as you grip your ass against him, tension so hot when he slows down, thoughts roaming through both of your heads, everything but innocent. People jumping around your jolted figures, all adding the thrill of this dirty dance.
You sure got to talk before, over some drinks when having a break from dancing, realizing how cool he is. He noticing his friend was right; you are a perfect match for him.
"Jump, jump, jump.."
Song hitting it's chorus once again, he spins your body around, and while everyone still jumping, you needed to slow down, until your feet stayed hard on the ground. And his lips on yours.
Breathing in, breathing out, the music gets you going.
"Lock the door..' You say worriedly, parting from his lips and trying to get your thoughts together.
"It's okay- no on will come inside here haha. It's for personal only." Minho reassures, picking you up and going to the table, positing your figure on.
"You dance really good." He compliments you, opening your bra while you working on his shirt buttons, eager to feel his skin.
"We used to dance in this club every weekend." You replay, letting out a moan when his teeth met your bare shoulder. Gripping his neck, you attack it with same anticipation, hungry to taste him. More of him.
Jumping down from the table, you take his pants, off in a few blinks his lenght planted deep in your throat now.
"Just like this.." He moans, the urge for him to, well taste you as well, grows bigger and bigger, the more he watches your beautiful mouth wrapped around him, taking him so good.
"That's enough baby, let me give you some of the magic too." Throwing you on the couch, which is placed in the middle of the room, he quickly removes your panties, his head disappearing from your sight.
"Oh my- " You know very well where he is right now, as his tounge swirls inside of your hotness, sucking and licking it all like a gentleman he is; making sure you feel every single living cell inside of your body.
"Minho, I need you.." You stutter, your chest rising up and down faster when he adds his fingers, stretching you out like you'd be a clay.
"I'm only preparing you for me baby. You have no idea how big I am right now." Moaningly, you try to change your position as your hands hurt from trying to keep your upper body up.
"I'm close- please I want to come when you're inside of me." You beg, he instantly looking up at you, his dick throbbing.
"I want that too." With that said, he stands up, not interly sure how he wants it to go now.
"I just want to feel your body next to mine." You say, standing up too, kissing him and then turning your figure around so he's before couch.
"Sit." You groan, instantly as his body falls down, you sitting on him. Bodies still wet from dancing, muscles tired yet blood full of alcohol too, you couldn't care less. Sliding down on him, your breath hitched as he devoured you. Picking the pace, you start to ride him, dirty words coming from his mouth. Gripping your ass and opening the cheeks, you moaned as you took him more.
Music loud enough for you to match the speed with it, he started to moan as well.
"This- you feel so.."
"Amazing." He finishes your thought, coming closer to suck on your collar bone, your boobs hitting his face.
"Ahh- I can't do it anymore." You whine, losing the pace.
"It's all good baby. Now let me show you what I want to do to you everyday." Moving his hips now, he starts to thrust, speed again catching the music's. Skin slapping, moans escaping, bodies pressed onto each other.
He trusts.
"Minho- ahh... you're gonna make me come."
"Then come for me." Shutting your hands in his hair, you pull them when he goes even faster.
Faster than the beats, faster you thought was humanly possible.
"You're so beautiful- mmh, so hot right now.' He groans, now practically eating your body which was finally- wholly pressed next to his.
'I- I'm coming Min.' You scream, clenching around him.
"Do it again baby." He says, desperate to finish too. Little did he know, that you couldn't control it. Clenching over and over,  having a little of his pulled hair between your fingers, you clenched, again. Repeatedly.
"Fuck.' He groans as you feel his seeds going deep inside of you.
"Minho- I'm.."
"It's okay baby." He breaths, looking at your eyes.
Moving your hair off of your face, he smiles at you. Yes, you both finally found your person.
Right before he'd ask you to give him your number, he sees how the curtains from the main window, which is placed so it shows the dance floor, were wide opened.
The whole time.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 | 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝘚𝘔𝘜𝘛🔞Where stories live. Discover now