2: Flashes everywhere

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I wake up with a smile on my face. I go to the kitchen to make some waffles for Izzy and I since I was in a happy mood.

I hear footsteps walking down the hallway of my aprtment and Izzy's voice.

"Jeez. Are those waffles I smell? Someone sure is happy."

"Yeah" ,I reply as my smile got even bigger.


It seems as if 7 o'clock cannot come soon enough. I have been waiting for what seems like forever. 

At the moment, Izzy is curling my hair while I do my makeup. For my makeup, I just put on some under eye concealer, mascara, light grey eyeshadow with a hint of silver, and a little eyeliner for a somewhat subtle look. 

After my hair and makeup is finally done, I put my dress on and some silver high heels. I find a small handbag that just fits my phone and some cash.

Izzy and I go sit on couch and wait. It is 6:55 right now. While waiting, we joke around and imagine scenarios of what could happen tonight. 

We jump at the sound of a knock on the door. We look at each other before I get up and answer the door.

As Zayn sees me, I see a sparkle in his eye and his jaw drops a little.

"You look.. amazing" ,is all he could muster out. The next thing I know I am smiling and blushing.

"As do you! This is my best friend Isabelle. Izzy for short." I point to Izzy.

Zayn introduces himself and they chat for a minute. We say bye to Izzy and we leave. He leads me to his car and he opens up the passenger car door for me.


In the car, Zayn turned the radio up. The song playing is Working for the Weekend by Loverboy. We both started singing along. 

We arrive at the restaurant after a 10 minute car ride. Once inside, we were led to our table by the hostess. Zayn pulled out my chair for me. 

I looked throught the menu and decided on a fettuccini afredo with some champagne. Zayn ordered some type of exotic dish and some champagne.

"So, Hanna, what's your favorite thing about life?"

"I like experiencing new things and I love traveling, but not much anymore."

"May I ask why you don't anymore?"

"Well. umm. it's a long story. I'll give you the very short version. Only my best friend and my close family know about this. I tell very very few people. But, I uh- I got into a plane crash about a year ago. I haven't been on a plane since." I explain.

"Oh. I'm sorry for bringing it up. I should'nt have as-" 

"It's okay. Honestly. It feels kind of good to let it out." I cut him off.

"Okay. I'm still sorry though."

The food came. We raised our glasses to make a toast.

"To new beginnings." I say as I raise my glass.

"To new beginnings." He repeats.

We ate and talked about everything under the sun that we could think of. 


We pulled up to my house after a marvelous dinner. Zayn opened the car door for me and led me to my front door.

"Would you like to do this again sometime?"

"Absolutely" I smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. I felt passion in this kiss. This is the moment that I know that I really like Zayn a lot. I hope this is a start of a great relationship.

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